Was the development of agriculture good for humans? Agriculture and Man Was the development of agriculture good for humans?
Before we get started Was the development of agriculture good for humans? What do you think the top 10 biggest innovations of man are since the wheel? Get into groups of 3 and create a list. We will come back together to see what you came up with. I want you to pick 1 from your list and write about the positive and negative consequences of this achievements on man. Everyone in your group has to have a different innovation.
Was the development of agriculture good for humans? Support Question 1 How did environmental changes and new technologies affect the development of agriculture? You will create a chart with information about climate change and improved tools contributed to the development of agriculture.
Was the development of agriculture good for humans? Support Question 2 How did the development of agriculture in Mesopotamia lead to the development of writing? Write a paragraph about how writing emerged in Mesopotamia and describe the implications of that development. Remember to cite evidence.
Was the development of agriculture good for humans? Support Question 3 What were the consequences of agriculture for humans? Develop a claim (opinion, reason, stand) supported by evidence that agriculture had a range of consequences for human culture. This should be a paragraph with 7-9 sentences long.
Statement starters that can help you with your claim. Agriculture led to ____________________ I believe agriculture was ____________________ As a result of the development of agriculture, humans were able to ______
End Task We can either do 2 options: 1. You can create a poster answering the question- Was the development of agriculture good for humans? 2. We can have a lively discussion on this topic. Everyone has to participate.