All slides must use an aspect ratio of 16:9. This is a wide screen format. This template is configured to the correct aspect ratio. Your slides must use these dimensions or they will not display correctly on the screen during the session. Recommended types and sizes of text: Calibri 20 / min18 Arial 18 / min16 Times New Roman 20 / min18 Requirements for poster presentation file: Presentation should be prepared at least in Powerpoint 2007 (Office 2007) and saved in .pptx format. The Organizers do not guarantee the correct display of presentations prepared in other formats. All the movies or sound files must be embedded in presentation - no additional files or hyperlinks are allowed. Slides should be in presentation order. It is recommended to use official slide template for preperation of your poster presentation.
Requirements for the speaker : Time for poster presentation: max 4 minutes + 2 minutes for discussion. Poster presentation should consist of one slide only. Presentation should be handled to the speakers room at least 2 hours before the beginning of your session. It will not be possible to upload your presentation in the conference room.