The crystal structure of an intact human Max–DNA complex: new insights into mechanisms of transcriptional control P Brownlie, TA Ceska, M Lamers, C Romier, G Stier, H Teo, D Suck Structure Volume 5, Issue 4, Pages 509-520 (April 1997) DOI: 10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4
Figure 1 Stereo diagram of the Max dimer bound to an 11-base pair duplex DNA; Max is shown as a Cα trace and every tenth residue is labelled. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 2 Overall Max structure and tetramer packing, (a) Stereo view of two Max dimers, with monomers coloured green and grey in one dimer and blue and cyan in the other, showing the contacts made between the two dimers that are suggestive of a tetramer contact site. The two contact regions are outlined by rectangles labelled 1 and 2. Region 1, around residues 55–66, forms the most extensive interaction region at the twofold axis of the two dimers. (b) Stereo view of residues 55–66 showing the interdigitation between the two dimers. (c) Stereo view of residues 28–38 from one chain of one dimer interacting with residues 69–74 of the chain of the second dimer. The colour-coding of the chains is the same as in (a). This second region shows less extensive interactions. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 3 The DNA structure. (a) The DNA sequence used in the crystallization. The bases of the duplex are labelled 101 to 126 starting from the 5′-end of one strand and ending at the 3′-end of the other strand. (b) A schematic of the DNA structure showing which bases are base paired and which bases have been forced out of a helical conformation. The bases which have been forced out of the helix are poorly defined in the electron-density maps, and lead to an ambiguity in the identity of these bases. (c) The alternative sequence arrangement of the DNA packing. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 4 A stereo view of the DNA showing the electron density (2F0–Fc) contoured at 1 σ; the DNA shows a bend of about 25°. The loop part of the Max structure is located above the DNA. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 5 DNA–protein interactions. (a) A schematic showing the interactions of one of the monomers of the dimer with the DNA. The residue numbers are shown along the sides and nucleotides which form the E box are shaded. (b) Stereo view of the symmetry-related residue Tyr63 stacking against the end DNA base Gua126. This interaction of the DNA with the protein blocks DNA–DNA stacking. The electron density (2F0–Fc) is contoured at 1 σ. (c) Stereo view showing the phosphorylation site Ser10 and its relation to the DNA; a symmetry-related molecule of DNA is shown. The second phosphorylation site, Ser1, is disordered in our structure, but an approximate position is indicated by a small sphere. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 6 A stereo view superposition of intact Max (this study), MyoD and truncated Max (from the Burley study) showing the overlap of the three structures. Max from this study is in green, MyoD is shown in magenta and Max from Burley's group [10] is shown in blue. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 7 The structural features observed in the Max protein. (a) Stereo view electron-density (2Fo–Fc) map, contoured at 0.75σ, around the C terminus showing the model as it has been built and the density beyond the model which was not readily interpretable. The colour scheme is the same as in Figure 2. (b) A view of the Max dimer colourcoded according to B factor showing that the region containing the leucine zipper is the least well ordered: blue represents the lowest B factor, red the highest. (c) A secondary structure prediction of MAX using the program PHD, along with secondary structure assignments from the X-ray structure. The C-terminal region shows long regions which have little propensity for helical or β secondary structure formation. The sequence and predictions are labelled: AA, amino acid sequence; PHD sec, secondary structure prediction from PHD [42] (H, helix; E, β sheet; blank, loop); Rel sec, the reliability of the secondary structure prediction (0. lowest; 9, highest); Str sec, secondary structure observed in the X-ray structure. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 7 The structural features observed in the Max protein. (a) Stereo view electron-density (2Fo–Fc) map, contoured at 0.75σ, around the C terminus showing the model as it has been built and the density beyond the model which was not readily interpretable. The colour scheme is the same as in Figure 2. (b) A view of the Max dimer colourcoded according to B factor showing that the region containing the leucine zipper is the least well ordered: blue represents the lowest B factor, red the highest. (c) A secondary structure prediction of MAX using the program PHD, along with secondary structure assignments from the X-ray structure. The C-terminal region shows long regions which have little propensity for helical or β secondary structure formation. The sequence and predictions are labelled: AA, amino acid sequence; PHD sec, secondary structure prediction from PHD [42] (H, helix; E, β sheet; blank, loop); Rel sec, the reliability of the secondary structure prediction (0. lowest; 9, highest); Str sec, secondary structure observed in the X-ray structure. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)
Figure 7 The structural features observed in the Max protein. (a) Stereo view electron-density (2Fo–Fc) map, contoured at 0.75σ, around the C terminus showing the model as it has been built and the density beyond the model which was not readily interpretable. The colour scheme is the same as in Figure 2. (b) A view of the Max dimer colourcoded according to B factor showing that the region containing the leucine zipper is the least well ordered: blue represents the lowest B factor, red the highest. (c) A secondary structure prediction of MAX using the program PHD, along with secondary structure assignments from the X-ray structure. The C-terminal region shows long regions which have little propensity for helical or β secondary structure formation. The sequence and predictions are labelled: AA, amino acid sequence; PHD sec, secondary structure prediction from PHD [42] (H, helix; E, β sheet; blank, loop); Rel sec, the reliability of the secondary structure prediction (0. lowest; 9, highest); Str sec, secondary structure observed in the X-ray structure. Structure 1997 5, 509-520DOI: (10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00207-4)