Discover Your Purpose Tongues Coach Firm Foundation
Overview Core Values motivational gifts
Core Values More than just preferences or priorities; they are born out of your most deeply held beliefs. Core values are also a critical part of your purpose because they are a big part of answering the question “Who am I?” If you haven’t clearly defined your values, you’ll often feel like you’re simply drifting along in life. “A wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind...double- minded and unstable.” James 1:7 Instead of basing your decisions on a well-defined internal compass, you’ll end up making choices based on emotion, circumstances, and social pressure as you try to fulfill other people’s expectations instead of your own.
Core Values Values Can Change! Values are not innate. The can change and be adapted. We must be consciously aware of what our values are and how they are developed. Our values are shaped and internalized based on our life experiences. They impact us everyday. Living in opposition to core values causes internal struggle, frustrations, and & little forward momentum. Violating your core values is like fronting – you can only hold a front for so long Part of the lack of fulfillment from not knowing your purpose comes from cognitive dissonance
Core Values Values are Filters Values and beliefs are filters through which we see the world around us. Most importantly, values provide maximum leverage for change in your life. If you only change your environment, behavior, or capabilities, the transformation may be short-lived. - Values and beliefs are the most powerful areas for leveraging change in your life! 4 things that shape your belief system Repetitious Information Credible others Environment Experiences
Core Values Should vs Chosen Values Should” values are usually lifestyle-based, reactionary values that are influenced by: Pride and Ego Pressure from the World Around You Expectations of Others When you choose your values make sure they resonate inside you and from the word! - When you choose your values make sure they resonate inside you and inside the word
Motivational Gifts Your Specific Wiring God made each person for a specific cause. In order to accomplish this objective He designed and equipped us with specific properties The nature and design of a thing helps identify its purpose. If you can determine how you are wired it will give you insight to your life’s purpose! - Your Specific Wiring In order to accomplish this objective He designed and equipped us with specific properties He gave birds feathers and aerodynamic bodies to fly Gave fish scales and fins to swim External design and internal wiring identifies its nature
Seven Motivational Gifts Ro. 12:6-8 God created you for a specific task and in order to do it He wired you in a way to handle that objective. This wiring is referred to your Motivational Gift. One of these seven wirings represent how you are wired and what motivates you..
Motivational Gifts The Gifts are divided into DOING & SPEAKING ministries. 1 Peter 4:11 Speaking: Perceiver, Teacher, Exhorter, Administrator Motto: 1 Thess 1:5 Doing : Server, Giver, Compassionate Motto: 1 John 3:18 1 Thes. 1:5 5 For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. 1 John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
Motivational Gifts Only one motivational Gift? You may feel you identify with more. This is a good thing. God’s Word encourages us all to display various aspects of God. (Ga 5:22) When you display other characteristics from other gifts, it is learned behavior. Also, never pigeon hole yourself in your motivational gift. Personality influences behavior, not control it. God’s Word encourages us all to display various aspects of God. (Ga 5:22) You may have been influenced by motivational wiring of your parents or some other dominant person in your life.
Motivational Gifts No motivational gift is better than the other one… Understanding Motivational Gift is not only fundamental to identifying your purpose, but it also key to learning how to effectively interact in relationships. Motivational Gifts Reveal Strengths and weaknesses Why you act the way you do What types of jobs you can excel in God’s Word encourages us all to display various aspects of God. (Ga 5:22) You may have been influenced by motivational wiring of your parents or some other dominant person in your life.
Motivational Gifts Perceiver: God created the Perceiver to perceive, recognize, and distinguish the difference between right and wrong. They have an uncanny ability to determine moral and ethical issues. Server: God created the Server to help meet the practical needs of other and to spend their life in service helping other people. Teacher: God created the Teacher to disseminate and manage information. They may perform the function by teaching, researching, writing, and so forth. One of these seven wirings represent how you are wired and what motivates you..
Motivational Gifts Exhorter: God created the Exhorter with the desire to make the lives of others more effective and successful. They are called to encourage and build people up. Giver: God created the Giver to mobilize resources for the aid and benefit of others. Administrator: God has called the Administrator / Ruler to facilitate, organize, and administrate. Compassion: God has called the Compassion gift to attend to and care for the emotional needs of others. One of these seven wirings represent how you are wired and what motivates you..
Assignment Begin to craft your Identity Statements Complete week 4 in the workbook. -