TENNIS STROKE DETECTION CS365 Mentor: Prof. Amitabh Mukherjee Khushdeep Singh (10351) Aakash Verma (10002)
Applications of human activity recognition 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
OUR task can be divided into the following subtasks Player Tracking Optical Flow Analysis Using Motion Descriptors Adaptive Boosting 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
Player Tracking Using Particle Filter
What must be specified: Prior Distribution: p(x0) - Describes initial distribution of object states Transition Model: p(xt | xt-1) - Specifies how objects move between frames - A simple model: sample next state from a Gaussian window around current state - We used second order auto regressive model. xt = Axt-1 + Bxt-2 +wt Observation Model: p( yt | xt ) - Color Histogram Object Tracking and Particle Filtering by Rob Hess [2006] 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
EXAMPLE OF PLAYER TRACKING 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
OPTICAL FLOW Using KL ALGORITHM 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
OPTICAL FLOW estimation SPARSE OPTICAL FLOW Computed only at a subset of image points. Quicker but less accurate results. Example: Kanade-Lucas Algorithm DENSE OPTICAL FLOW Computed at each image pixel. Slower but better results. Example: Farneback Algorithm 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
EXAMPLE OF SPARSE OPTICAL FLOW ESTIMATION 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
ITERATIVE KL OPTICAL FLOW COMPUTATION 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
Feature DETECTION USING VOILA JONES ALGORITHM 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
VOILA JONES algorithm Efficient Visual Event Detection using Volumetric Features by Yan Ke, Rahul Suthankar, Martial Herbert [ICCV’05] 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
ADAPTIVE BOOSTING Meta machine learning algorithm 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
Lecture on AdaBoost by Jan Sochman, Jiri Matas 11-07-2019 Lecture on AdaBoost by Jan Sochman, Jiri Matas Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
For the given example 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
Comparison of adaboost with other methods BoosTexter: A boosting-based system for text categorization by Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer. 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
Adaboost pseudocode 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma
Some initial results using only 1000 weak classifiers No. of Training Examples No. of Features Misses False Alarms 200 2,00,000 3% 60% 19.58% 30% 500 1,00,000 12% 58% * TRAINED ON THE KTH DATASET 11-07-2019 Khushdeep Singh and Aakash Verma