Psychoanalysis & Psychodynamic Therapies Module 70
Developed by Sigmund Freud based on his theory of personality Psychoanalysis Developed by Sigmund Freud based on his theory of personality Freud’s Office
Psychoanalysis Freud’s therapeutic technique that attributes one’s thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts
Psychoanalysis Assumptions Undesirable urges and conflicts from childhood are “repressed” or pushed to the unconscious Unconscious conflicts exert influence on behaviors, emotions, and interpersonal dynamics Understanding and insight into repressed conflicts leads to recognition and resolution The therapist must bring the repressed problems into the conscious mind to help patients have an insight about the original cause of the problem.
Psychoanalytic Methods
Free Association A way of revealing unconscious thoughts and emotions Patient relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing
Resistance Unconscious attempts to block the revelation of repressed memories and conflicts. Mind’s defense against releasing sensitive materials Patient may be reluctant to talk about a certain topic, changing the subject Therapist’s job is to help you recognize this and provide insight into it meaning
Interpretation Explanation of the unconscious meaning of the patient’s behavior, thoughts, feelings, underlying wishes or dreams to facilitate the recognition of unconscious conflicts or motivations Dream Interpretation Manifest content – actual content of dreams Latent content - disguised or symbolic wishes, meanings, and motivations Freud considered dreams to be the “royal road to the unconscious”
Transference Patient’s transfer of emotions linked with earlier relationships onto the analyst The patient projects feeling from the past to the therapist. By exposing these feelings, patient gains insight into their current issues & relationships Therapist
Using Psychoanalysis All these psychoanalytic techniques are designed to help the patient achieve insight into how past conflicts influence her current behavior and relationships and then replace maladaptive behavior patterns with adaptive ones. On average, the traditional psychoanalyst sees the patient 4-5 times a week over the course of 4 years or longer
Psychoanalytic Influence Few therapists follow strict Freudian therapy. Heavily influenced other types of therapy (interpersonal therapy) Modern approach is the psychodynamic perspective
The Psychodynamic Perspective
Psychodynamic Approach A more modern view that retains some aspects of Freudian psychoanalytic theory but rejects other aspects Retains the importance of the unconscious mind Less emphasis on Id, Ego, Superego Focus more on current symptoms & relationships Goal is to gain insight into defended against thoughts & feelings Meet face to face rather than out of sight from therapist Meet 1-2 a week for a few months
Common Features of Short-Term Dynamic Therapies Most therapies today are shorter-term Patients’ problems are quickly assessed at the beginning of therapy. Based on goals that are specific and attainable Therapists are more directive than traditional psychoanalysis Therapist uses interpretations to help the patient recognize hidden feelings and transferences that may be occurring in important relationships in her life Therapy focuses on helping the patient identify psychological resources that she can use to cope with the current difficulty as well as with future problems Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Focuses on current relationships to help gain insight into causes of mental problem. Works well for Depression Discovering Psy p515