You are now living in West Africa. Today is Friday, Oct. 3, 500 AD. Rank the following items in order of their importance to you: A.Oil B.Gold C.Salt D.Ivory E.Spices
Gold-Salt Trade: The Key to West African Empires
Resources are unevenly distributed West Africa lacked salt – worth more than gold!! VERSUS Taghaza were people used salt to build homes
The Gold-Salt Trade 3 rd to 4 th century AD Routes from Middle East and North Africa to West Africa Cross through the Sahara Salt from the North Gold from the South
The Gold-Salt Exchange The Gold & Salt Trade Routes
A Camel Caravan
How did they know where to go? moved at night (used the stars for direction) used land to reach oases Threats Lack of water Sandstorm
Predict three Impacts of the Gold-Salt trade Political Social Economic Religious
Impacts Spread of Islam Wealthy Empires Taxation Expansion of towns along the trade route Timbuktu, the center of trade
Trade today similar to gold-salt trade? Impacts of trade the same? Different?