WHAT IS THE GOLD STANDARDS FRAMEWORK ? TO HELP TO DELIVER A “ GOLD STANDARD OF CARE” FOR ALL PEOPLE AS THEY NEAR THE END OF THEIR LIVES It involves working together as a team with other professionals, to help to provide the highest standard of care possible for residents and their families as they face the last stages of their lives.
WHAT IS THE GOLD STANDARD FRAMEWORK ? Delivers both QUALITY IMPROVEMENT plus QUALITY ASSURANCE the programme has 3 aims To improve the quality of care provided for all residents from admission to the home. To improve the collaboration with GP’s primary care teams and specialists. To reduce the number of hospital admissions in the final stages of life, enabling more people to die with dignity in the home, if that is their wish.
HOW CAN IT IMPROVE CARE? Setting up a register with regular planning meetings to discuss and focus on care. Planning for the needs of residents at varying times, using coding and a needs/support plan Advance care planning – discussing the choices, preferences and options to best meet the needs of the resident and their families. Reducing the need for crisis admission to hospital.
HOW WILL IT IMPROVE CARE? Working closely with the family to best meet the needs of their loved one and to be aware of the choices that are available. Even better working with GP’s, District Nurses, Palliative Care Specialists, hospitals and others Information and communication with other services e.g. Out of Hours medical services, ambulance services.
HOW WILL IT IMPROVE CARE? Use of an agreed plan for the final days of life, to enable a good death. Ongoing reflection and education of staff according to their needs. Staff who aspire to the best, and we wish to affirm and encourage them, building confidence and ability to provide excellent care.
COMMUNICATION Identify residents in need of palliative care – code using for example ABCD codings Regular team meetings Label / colour code notes and code for handovers and GP Use advance care plan ( preferences, DNAR, preferred place of care) Residents, families, GP’s and Specialist practitioners are aware that the Care Home are involved in GSF
COORDINATION Allocated Coordinator for each home Agreement with owner to support programme Key worker for each resident Ensure communication with GP, Primary Health Care Team and family Ensure communication with specialist palliative care team e.g. local Macmillan nurses, hospital
CONTROL OF SYMPTOMS Use of assessment tools when relevant Agreed management plan recorded and communicated related to protocol Advanced care plan completed for all residents Basic equipment available as standard and PRN medication available in advance
CONTINUITY Out of hours handover form completed for all residents and kept in local out of hours office Advanced Care Plan/ Patient held record or medication card shared with others
CONTINUED LEARNING Regular review, Weekly meeting Monthly review meetings- audit of last deaths using traffic lights Significant Analysis with other professionals if possible Programme of on going education/ training of staff, including induction of all new staff Library resource of books, articles and web sites
CARER SUPPORT Staff – staff issues and learning points and feedback after death for all staff e.g. carers, cleaners, maintenance staff Family – written information for family and note families concerns and issues
CARE OF DYING Minimum protocol for the last days of life used Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying or Integrated Care Pathway Agreed practice for notification of relatives, verification of death procedure and after death care Support for the bereaved families after death Support for all staff and other residents as needed
SO WHAT HAS CHANGED AT MERRYFIELD? Everyone aware that we are participating in GSF Coding of residents available for all staff including catering and all ancillary staff Regular focus meetings with staff from all departments Advanced Care Plans, preferred place of care DNAR any individual wishes
SO WHAT HAS CHANGED AT MERRYFIELD? Attend GSF meetings at the GP surgery with GP’s, District Nurses and Macmillan Nurse to discuss all residents on the register. Regular speakers from local palliative care organisations Additional assessment tools used e.g. depression scale, PACA and PEPSICOLA Distress Thermometer We have purchased a Syringe Driver and the surgery can provide a Drug Box when needed for the Home and the District Nurses containing end stage drugs
SO WHAT HAS CHANGED AT MERRYFIELD? Out of Hours handover forms are kept in the Office at Witney hospital used by Out of Hours Doctors so they have in depth knowledge of all residents when contacted by the Home. Advanced Care plans shared on admission to Hospital and Out Patient appointments Dignity Policies and Audit tools
SO WHAT HAS CHANGED AT MERRYFIELD? Audit of deaths using Significant Analysis Regular Reviews On going training Library resources Drama therapist to work with residents who are dying and for residents who are grieving Leaflets written by the home with information of services available in house and in the local community both relevant to before and after the death
SO WHAT HAS CHANGED AT MERRYFIELD? Minimum Protocol used for the last days of life Registered with the Liverpool Care Pathway Policies for Notification of Relatives, Verification of Death and after death care Support for bereaved relatives, staff and other residents available from a Personal Bereavement Service in Witney for both religious and non religious clients providing spiritual support