Woodstock Middle School Media Center
Welcome to the WMS media center!
Be sure to check out the display cases as you enter!
The security check is to be sure you don’t forget to check out!
Don’t forget to return your books in the book drop!
Look up items you want on this computer.
Our fiction section is always popular!
Facts about all kinds of people can be found in the biography section! TEB
Information on just about everything can be found in the nonfiction section! Dewey Decimal System 000’s Computers, general info 100’s Philosophy & Psychology 200’s Religion 300’s Social Sciences 400’s Language 500’s Science 600’s Applied Science & Technology 700’s Arts and Recreation 800’s Literature 900’s History & Geography
There’s plenty of seats for you and your friends.
Come here for the coolest stuff! Play aways, audio books cameras, and Kindles Graphic Novels
Plenty of computers are just waiting for you to come explore…
Special tables are a great place for clubs and meetings
A small classroom is equipped with a smart board and a class set of laptops
Don’t forget to check out before you leave!
Don’t forget to slide your books along the silver box!
WMS media Center is a great place to be!