Commercial Programs Elisabeth Reyes, Meagan Brown Energy Account Managers Energy Management
Bryan Texas Utilities Municipally Owned Utility (MOU) owned by the City of Bryan since 1909 Used a loan from the Rural Electric Administration to provide power to customers in all of Brazos County and parts of Robertson and Burleson Counties Owns generation at Atkins and Dansby Power Plants Governed by a seven member Board of Directors and the City of Bryan City Council Cost of service utility, meaning only recover what it costs to serve customers through our rates
Existing commercial buildings To help customers reduce their energy needs, while also reducing BTU’s need to purchase or create additional generation Existing commercial buildings Any measure that reduces demand by 20% or more in that area No distributed generation i.e. wind, solar, etc. One-for-one replacement (no de-lamping or removal) Qualifying projects guaranteed 10% up to 20% of total project cost as rebate, capped at $30,000 per year Runs from fiscal year to fiscal year, October 1 to September 30
SmartBUSINESS Success Began incentive programs in fiscal year 2013 Focused on reduction in need for generation, instead of equipment replacement Since that time (FY2013 - FY2017): 139 projects 3,343 kW saved $1,032,696 incentive payments $5,560,163 customer investments in commercial buildings
To Apply Visit with Mike Connor, Senior Energy Accounts Manager, to get the application and ensure the project qualifies Complete application packet includes: Complete SmartBUSINESS application Details of demand (kW) reduction of 20% or more Before pictures After pictures A copy of the invoice(s) for the work BTU reserves the right to physically inspect any project Incentive is a onetime check payment
Lighting Retrofit Easiest to accomplish (convert to LED) Typically easily qualifies Most common improvement
Chiller Replacement Can be combined with necessary replacement Second most common improvement
HVAC Replacement Can be combined with necessary replacement
Qualifying projects guaranteed 10% up to 25% of total project cost Existing permanent residential structures (additions, mobile homes, and RVs do not qualify) Qualifying projects guaranteed 10% up to 25% of total project cost Focuses on three improvements to the building envelope Attic and exterior wall insulation Window replacement Solar screen installation
Questions? Mike Connor Senior Energy Accounts Manager 979-821-5830 Meagan Brown Energy Accounts Manager 979-821-5859