Remote Sensing Imagery (RSI) Interpretation for Gold Prospecting Javed Syed BSc (Sask), MH (Emerson). (613) (cell)
Economics Gold Economics True Wealth is created when you Fish Farm or Mine. INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Minerals; Salt, Precious Stones. Metals; Copper, Silver, Gold. Money; Cash, Community Currencies. Stock; Flow through/Common Shares, I POD (NUMA)
Geology Gold Geology INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Primary Hydrothermal; epigenetic, syngenetic Secondary Placer deposits
Geochem Gold Geochemistry INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Pathfinder Minerals; tungstun, bismuth Portable Infrared Mineral Analyzer (PIMA) Mafic Felsic Dolerite
Geobotany Gold Geobotany INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Temporal Data Mineral Connection Porosity Vegetation Health
Geomorph Gold Geomorphology Shape of the terrain INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Structures; Faults, footwall, hanging wall Folds, anticline, syncline Oxbows.
RSI Gold RSI INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Digital Number Band Number VNIR; gossan SWIR; alteration TIR; silicate, carbonates, hot spots
Conclusion INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Satellite remote sensing techniques have a great potential for Mineral exploration. Spectral Anomalies Spectral Signatures
Refs References INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Syed – Gold Prospecting RSD Sask. Greenspan – Gold and Economic Freedom. Carr – Data Visualization in Geosciences.
Pros&Cons Pros and Cons INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS Costs; real time, archived. Conflicts; processing (PCA, BR) Targets; geophysics, geochem, geobotany.
Final Thought INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND PROFITS When your mind can visualize a picture a few numbers and colors can paint, then the pure essence of Mathematics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is realized