7th Grade Language Arts Lesson plan 1/14/19 – 01/19/19
Standard: ELAGSE7L4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 7 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. I can statement: I can write and speak in standard formal English. I can Interpret- explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions).
Standard: ELAGSE7RI4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone. I can Analyze- discover or reveal (something) through detailed examination. I can Comprehended or Determine the Author’s Purpose, Point of View
Activity: Read the underlined word in each sentence below Activity: Read the underlined word in each sentence below. Circle the letter of the sentence in which the word has the same meaning as in the original sentence. Multiple-Meaning Words 1 Examples Words with multiple meanings can be confusing to a reader. One type of multiple-meaning word is a word that is spelled and pronounced the same, but has more than one definition. Examples: down (toward the floor) press (to push against) down (fine, soft feathers) press (a printing machine) Another type of multiple-meaning word is a word that is spelled the same but pronounced differently for different definitions. Examples: wind /wind/ (air in motion) wound /wünd/ (an injury) wind /wīnd/ (to wrap around) wound /wound/ (past tense of 1. The one-hundred piece puzzle was of a picture of a castle. A. Be careful not to puzzle her with your question. B. I bought an easy puzzle with large pieces for my four-year-old cousin. 2. I received a grade of a B on the essay. A. I will study my science notes to get a higher grade next time. B. The truck climbed up the steep grade
Key Vocabulary Analyze Evaluate Comprehend Inferences Figurative language
Assessment ELA Pre-Test Close Reading Pre-Assessment Friday Quiz
Students will write a daily Journal Monday: Christmas Vacation Homework Assignments Class Work Students will write a daily Journal Monday: Christmas Vacation Tuesday: 2019 School Goals Wednesday: My Problem in class Thursday: The hardest Subject for me is Friday: Who does not deserve Fun Friday Independent reading Iready Class discussion on text Spelling Words Homework: Reading Log – read 20 minutes per night. Parent signature required. Homework: All assignments due Friday Monday: Work sheet - Multiple- Meaning Words 1 Tuesday: Work sheet - Context clues Wednesday: Work sheet – Homographs Thursday: Work sheet Context clues Friday: Work sheet – Homographs Late Assignment will have 5 points deducted every day that it is late.
Parent Info All assignments are due Friday to provided extended time for all students Assignments not turned in Friday will be considered late. Students will take a spelling test every Friday. Students will use a choice board to complete spelling homework nightly Parents must sign students reading log nightly (read 20 min. every night) Journal Topics are the ticket out of the door to connections. THE ONLY WAY TO IMPROVE READING IS BY READING.