Authors guide Nordic Safeguarding Practices If registered, use this address:
What is a Good Practice in Safeguarding? Good practices are actions and activities in the shape of projects, programmes, measures, etc. which: … demonstrate innovative, creative or effective approaches to safeguard intangible cultural heritage … involves the participation of relevant stakeholders such as communities or practitioners … is a way forward to identify/document/research; preserve/protect; promote/enhance; transmit; revitalize intangible cultural heritage. … reflects the spirit of the UNESCO 2003 Convention (
Guidelines for the text to be published Title in english Short description of background (What, Why, Whom, Where and When), 100-400 words. The mission, listed as bullets or full sentences. 100-400 words How was it done? 100 - 400 words. What are key factors for the effect? Use the function «Add key factors» Links and media Ethical guidelines The project should be concluded before publishing Grassroot movements and non- commercial activities have priority Experiences and reflections from the field work is highly welcome Remember you may paste pdf’s, power points etc in the text to elaborate the content
Background What is the background of the activity? Please focus on What, Why, By whom, Where and When. (100-250 words).
The mission What is the mission behind – or the objectives for - the activity? Please describe either in full sentences or listed as bullets (100-400 words).
How was it done What are relevant and decisive steps in the carrying out of the activity? Please describe. Experiences and reflections from the field work is highly welcome (100-400 words).
Key factors Key factors is about factors which have made the project innovative, creative and/or successful. You may add as many key factors as you need. Each field is designed to present only one factor at a time. Give each key factor a separate title.
Additional information In the online version … you may upload pdf’s, power points etc to elaborate the content of the text … you may hyperlink external sources of information (e.g. websites, literature, databases, videos).