While the audience is gathering. During breaks etc While the audience is gathering. During breaks etc. Simple messages can be added in bold and white letters on the dark blue sea, eg. ”Welcome!”, ”Back at 15.15”
Swagger file in JSON The Swagger file contains ”all” static details of a REST service The Swagger file for a SeaSWIM service is found in Service Registry! Login to MC Portal test-management.maritimecloud.net/ management.maritimecloud.net/ Select desired Specification from Service Registry Select desired Design Download XML To get the Service Design as XML In the element <model> you can find the Swagger in JSON ! Download Document To get the description of the Service Design
Snapshot from MC TEST Portal
Swagger in the Service Design as XML <servicePhysicalDataModel> <name>Voyage Information Service SMA Swagger JSON API</name> <description>API of VIS in JSON format</description> <modelType>JSON</modelType> <model> { "swagger": "2.0", "info": { "version": "2.2.0", "title": "STM Voyage Information Service SeaSWIM API", "description": "2.2.0" }, ……..
At the end – you could add text in black like ”Thank You !”