Avon Grove Intermediate School Welcome to Sixth Grade! Avon Grove Intermediate School
schedule 8:10-8:30 Homeroom 8:30-10:00 Block 1 10:05-10:45 Special 1 10:50-11:30 Special 2 11:35-1:00 Block 2 1:05-1:45 Lunch/ Recess 1:50-3:15 Block 3 3:15 Dismissal
SPECIALS CYCLES 4 cycles including: Art Science Lab (Chemistry Unit) Technology Music Physical Education/ Health (every cycle)
Math Teachers Mrs. Mapes (Blue) Ms. McGuffin (Blue) Mrs. Vaughn (Orange) Mr. DiEmidio (Orange) Mrs. Reichwein (Red) Ms. Linderman (Red) Mrs. Flood (Purple) Mrs. Bennett (Purple) .
Learning support math teachers Mrs. Drinker Mrs. Litchfield Mrs. Tinney
mathematics concepts Emphasis on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Oral and written communication about mathematics. Alternative strategies encouraged and valued. Actively engaged in working with materials and with peers to solve mathematical problems Math maintenance sheets.
course 1 topics Numbers & Operations Number Theory Geometry fractions Geometry decimals Probability whole numbers Data & Statistics 3D Figures & Surface Area Algebraic Concepts Ratios & Proportions Measurements Integers & Coordinate Planes
course 2 topics Decimals and Integers Geometry Exponents, Factors, and Fractions Measurement Patterns and Rules Operations With Fractions Graphing in the Equations and Inequalities Coordinate Plane Ratios, Rates, and Proportions Display / Analyze Data Using Probability Percents
pre-algebra topics Algebraic Expressions & Integers Multi-Step Equations & Inequalities One-Step Equations & Inequalities Linear Functions & Graphing Spatial Thinking Decimals & Equations Area & Volume Factors, Fractions, & Exponents Right Triangles in Algebra Data Analysis and Probability Operations with Fractions Nonlinear Functions & Polynomials Ratios, Proportions, & Percents
online textbook Prentice Hall provides an online interactive textbook that your child will have access to. Username and password will be provided to the students. https://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/
Language Arts teachers Mrs. Casarino (Blue) Mrs. Johnson (Blue) Ms. Bolt (Orange) Mrs. Goldovich (Orange) Mrs. Naylor (Red) Mr. Yohannan (Red) Mrs. Mantell (Purple) Mrs. Waldman (Purple) .
Learning support LA teachers Mrs. Drinker Mrs. Holden Mrs. Litchfield Mrs. Tinney
Language arts Concepts Understanding and using writing traits. Key concepts in written expression. Emphasis on progression. Writing and Research in ALL content areas. Study Skills Grammar Oral Presentation skills
reading UNITS Elements of Fictions Elements of Non-Fiction Elements of Poetry & Drama Literary Elements Persuasive Texts and Media Online Textbook: http://go.hrw.com/gopages/la-li.html
social studies teachers Mrs. Casarino (Blue) Mrs. Johnson (Blue) Ms. Bolt (Orange) Mr. DeFelice (Orange) Mrs. Naylor (Red) Mr. Yohannan (Red) Mrs. Mantell (Purple) Mrs. Waldman (Purple) .
social studies enduring understandings Humans adjust to life based on their physical surroundings and they alter those surroundings to meet their needs and wants. (Geography) Cooperation and conflict between groups of people have produced change in the world. (History) There are different levels of government; each has its own responsibilities to work to form a unified government. (Government) Trade influences economic structure and growth. (Economics) Units Mesopotamia Egypt Greece Rome China
science teachers Mrs. Mapes (Blue) Ms. McGuffin (Blue) Mr. DeFelice (Orange) Mr. DiEmidio (Orange) Mrs. Reichwein (Red) Ms. Linderman (Red) Mrs. Flood (Purple) Mrs. Bennett (Purple) .
science big ideas Celestial bodies have patterns of movement based on the force of gravity. All objects obey universal laws relating force and motion. Systems interact with one another, have specific needs, and continually adapt and change. Relationships exist among organisms in different ecosystems. Composition of Matter
science units Astronomy Motion & Design Populations and Ecosystems Chemistry (Science Lab Special)
homework Typically given on a daily basis as determined by the teacher. Expected to be completed the next school day unless otherwise specified. Recorded in assignment books.
assignment books Excellent Parent/ Teacher communication tool. Must be carried to each class. Homework is written down daily in class. NONE is written if there is no homework. If a student loses it, they will have to pay for a new one. Responsibility Calendars should be kept with the assignment book.
responsibility calendar Calendars should be signed with every mark AND every Thursday night. Helps students monitor their personal behaviors and identify traits where there is room for improvement. Communication tool between teachers, students, and parents.
teacher websites Accessible from AGSD homepage at http://www.avongrove.org/agis/teachweb.html Click on your child’s teacher’s name Please check for AGIS calendar, announcements, assignments, due dates…
Thursday folders All papers sent home will be in the folder (PTA, AGRA, etc…) Goes home with the youngest student at AGI. Please ask your child to see their folder!
behavior expectations EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEARN Be Respectful Be Safe Be Responsible Be Fair Do your personal best every day!
Edu link District communication system Automatically calls home for important information from AGI or the District Snow Days Reminders Emergencies
map testing MEASURES OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS 3 times a year 50-60 minutes typically (untimed) Students will set goals for improvement Tool for teachers to differentiate instruction More information at www.nwea.org
wellness policy Full policy is located online at the Avon Grove Website. When sending food in for a birthday treat or party, it is school policy that the food be preapproved prior to being sent in. Water bottles are permitted in class. Please provide a healthy/ appropriate snack for your child. Keep in mind, many classrooms are nut free
field trips Sixth grade takes 2 field trips during the school year Trip 1 is an educational field trip related to the curriculum. Trip 2 is a celebratory field trip to mark the end of sixth grade. Both Trips are currently in the planning process. When locations have been determined, you will receive more information. **To chaperone a field trip you must have valid clearances on file with AGIS. If applying for clearances, please be aware it may take up to four weeks to get them in the mail.
Seventh Annual Orange/Red House Career Day When: Thursday - October 21, 2010 Where: Avon Grove Intermediate School Time: 12:30pm – 3:00pm You are invited to help make our Career Day a success! We are looking to expose our 5th and 6th grade students to a wide variety of career choices. Forms are available with the ambassadors located in the front of our school.
q & a General questions? Please see your child’s homeroom teacher for their PSSA results. Make sure to sign in and take note of the opportunities to volunteer this year. (VIP program, Country Christmas, etc.) Thank you for coming! We look forward to working with you and your child this year!