Resettlement capacity in the EU Project Officer KNOW RESET Final Conference: Refugee Resettlement in the EU: Towards a Concerted and sustainable Commitment 10 July 2013 Resettlement capacity in the EU Elona BOKSHI Project officer 3 October, 2012
Resettlement in 2007 Current resettlement in 2013 10/07/2019
Why is resettlement capacity important? More resettlement: Capacity in terms of political will? Capacity in terms of numbers: more countries/more places? Capacity in terms of funding: EU funding now and tomorrow (AMF)? 10/07/2019
Why is resettlement capacity important? Improving resettlement: Capacity in terms of actors (the importance of NGOs and local authorities) Capacity in terms of integration? 10/07/2019
Challenges for more resettlement: In most MS current political socio-economical situation remains challenging. New Resettlement States are cautious not to refer to resettlement efforts openly. (ES) Public has little or no knowledge about resettlement. National medias do not write about RS but local media may write. 10/07/2019
Challenges for more resettlement: Reaching the annual quota remains a challenge even in traditional resettlement MS (FI, IR, UK) The new resettlement countries failed to implement resettlement programmes during years planned (RO, ES,HU). Though on one hand there is need for these countries to be seen to participate in EU and UN initiatives on refugee protection. Some states finance their own structures or services but in most MS ERF support the whole resettlement process. Difficulties to gather data on the real costs. Most MS will continue to rely on EU funds to pursue resettlement 10/07/2019
Challenges for better resettlement Pre-arrival Actors involved are: UNHCR,GOV,IOM. In general: lack of involvement of civil society and local authorities in selection process CO and pre-departure preparations are absent or limited in most MS (this might be linked with funding and insufficient organization) Integration capacity used as criteria for selecting refugees (RO, DK, DE) In few MS selection of refugees with medical needs is limited because local authorities must cover the costs (UK) 10/07/2019
Challenges for better resettlement Post–arrival Poor integration within the host country/ society Collaboration among NGOs and local authorities varies from place to place in post arrival phase. The biggest obstacle for integration is the language barrier. Lack of translators in the post arrival phase. Lack of training for stakeholders involved 10/07/2019
More Or/and Better resettlement 10/07/2019
Dossiers should be shared in advance with NGOs to plan specific needs Quality vs Quantity: Recommendations for increasing standards and raising numbers? Quality: Dossiers should be shared in advance with NGOs to plan specific needs Information services (CO) have to be included where absent or improved & Information for refugees should provide more realistic picture of host countries Quality information is important for national stakeholders about who is coming. Integration criteria should be dropped if it is the case. It is crucial to resettle refugees who have the highest needs 10/07/2019
Quality vs Quantity: Recommendations for increasing standards and raising numbers? Involvement of NGOs during pre-departure and post-arrival activities are key elements. Capacity of municipalities to receive and integrate refugees should be taken into account by governments while placing refugees A successful implementation of a resettlement is an incentive to continue. Difficult to evaluate RS process in the new RES MS due to the low quotas. Need to continue awareness of resettlement issues in all resettlement MS. 10/07/2019
Quality vs Quantity: Recommendations for increasing standards and raising numbers? Establishing an annual quota or multi-year planning (e.g. three years) Most resettling countries have the capacity to resettle more. Joint selection missions can increase the number (pooling) but also the quality of selection by new resettling MS. 10/07/2019
Quality vs Quantity: Recommendations for increasing standards and raising numbers? EASO should ensure coordination between MS, NGOs & UNHCR and promote joint missions and training EU has an important role in increasing resettlement places by financial incentives 10/07/2019
The Tavares report suggest: “Attention should be drawn not only to the need to involve more Members States in resettling refugees but also to the quality, sustainability and effectiveness of the resettlement, focusing on integration measures” 10/07/2019
THANK YOU! ELONA BOKSHI Project officer 10/07/2019