Sustainable Heartland Accelerator Regional Partnership (SHARP) Hub NIGMS 1 UT2 GM130175-01 Partnership of the Central IDeA Region Institutions based in Kansas City Focused on mentoring, training and networking to help innovators accelerate the transfer of biomedical technology to the commercial market.
SHARPhub Goals Increase commercialization of NIH funded research Need Assessment in the Central Region Provide mentoring Formation of Startup Companies Using SBIR/STTR Program as early financing
NIGMS Directory of Regional Hubs
SHARPhub Partnership Leadership BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting Becky Aistrup – Principle Investigator Training and consulting firm Clients include companies, entrepreneurs, universities, SBDC’s and tech-based economic development organizations across the U.S. University of Kansas – Academic Partner Doug Wright, PhD – Principle Investigator
SHARPhub KC Education Training 1: Training 2: Training 3: Training 4: Starting Companies to Translate Research Nov 13 – 8-noon – KUMC 60 Registered Training 2: Startup School January 8 – February 12 – 6-8pm – KUMC 56 Registered Training 3: NIH SBIR/STTR Intensive Training March 1 – 8:30am – 4pm – KUMC Training 4: NIH SBIR/STTR Commercialization Plans April 12 – 8:30am – noon, KUMC
SBIR/STTR Proposal Prep for NIH Detailed Instructions on Developing Competitive Proposals: Eligibility Requirements SBIR/STTR and NIH program basics Planning for and Developing a Competitive proposal Targeting your proposal to meet Reviewer Expectations How to approach each section of the proposal Common Pitfalls and how to avoid them …. March 1st, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm HEB Room G201 REGISTER Today: https//
SBIR/STTR Commercialization Planning “Commercialization planning is often more instructive than the plan itself” Commercialization Plan Topics Components of an Effective Commercialization Plan How to find and use cost effective market research to guide your efforts How to build a Business model How to approach the required proposal sections …. April 12th, 8:30 am – Noon HEB Room G201 REGISTER Today: https//