Are your goals gold? Let us show you how... Got Gold? Presented from Gold Group: Brian clark, mae mcwilliams, eva nicholson, ashley thao, benjamin tillman, michael davis Brian-- Are your goals made of gold? What I mean is, Does your resume reflect leadership attributes that will help you land the job over someone else? Let us show you how to turn opportunities into GOLD!
Topic: How to get curriculum students engaged in campus activities. Brian -- One of the best ways to build a resume is becoming involved in Campus Clubs and participating in Club activities. Stepping up and becoming a leader in an organization such as the SGA.
Goal: Targeting curriculum students that are not socially or physically engaged with campus activities or clubs. Eva let me explain what I am talking about . The 3 C student...those student that go from their car to class and back to their car.The students that never get involved, never interact with anyone outside of their classrooms. I feel that this group is an untapped source that we need to explore. We need to get their attention and persuade them to get involved in clubs and SGA, and explain the rewards they can possibly gain by doing so. This workshop will help explain the benefits of getting involved as well as increasing our population of students involved in clubs and student activities.
Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to... 1. Identify and try new approaches needed for Student growth in clubs and events. 2. Locate and utilize the resources that the school provides. 3. Implement and apply the tools of this workshop in the present. Eva
Identify and try new approaches needed for growth of clubs and events. Objective One. Eva Nicholson. Identify and try new approaches needed for growth of clubs and events. Brian Clark. Presented by: Eva
Eva Alright…so the GOLD group will be sharing our ideas with you today on Objective 1 … but .I would like to hear from a few of you first, who have thought of some new and unique ways to build attendance at club events and participation in student life activities. I can take the first 4 or 5 ideas.
Captive Audiences, Meet & Greets, Face to Face Just Brian-- Take advantage of classmates as a captive audience by talking to them at the beginning of class for 5 to 10 minutes in every class your in. Tell them the advantages of participation. Another way is to set up a table at the end of a hallway for maximum traffic exposure between classes. Have some small snacks and or Campus logo items to give away...use this time to talk to students to build interest. And finally, Set up Meet & Greet teams of 2 people to make face to face contact, handshake type interactions with students that come to evenst only for the food………………… And now Ben and Mike have a few words for you.
Locate and utilize the resources that the school provides. Objective two. Michael Davis. Locate and utilize the resources that the school provides. Benjamin Tillman. Presented by:
Implement and apply the tools of this workshop in the present Objective Three. Mae Mcwilliams. Implement and apply the tools of this workshop in the present Ashley Thao. Presented by:
What are these tools? Future References Knowledge of your targets Learning how to build a better resume Future References Knowledge learned from clubs, programs, and activities can help with future career goals
GOLD GROUP Main Brain Mega Mae Thao Pow Eva Diva Mr. DoItAll Dr. VooDoo
“There is no more powerful leadership tool than your own personal example.” John Wooden