1.21.16 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1861 - The future president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, resigned from the U.S. Senate. Four other Southerners also resigned. 1908 - In New York City, the Sullivan Ordinance was passed. It made smoking in public places by women illegal. 1924 - Soviet leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died. Joseph Stalin began a purge of his rivals for the leadership of the Soviet Union. 1954 - The Nautilus was launched in Groton, CT. It was the first atomic-powered submarine. 1977 - U.S. President Carter pardoned almost all Vietnam War draft evaders. 1998 - A former White House intern said on tape that she had an affair with U.S. President Clinton. BELL WORK: PREPARE FOR TODAY’S TEST: SHARPEN PENCILS ORGANIZE BINDERS ADD & FILL-IN GRADE SHEET REVIEW FOR TEST. AGENDA: COLLECT: STUDYGUIDES HOMEWORK BINDERS TAKE TEST WWII BEGINS. PICK-UP: BINDERS FINAL EXAM REVIEW HOMEWORK: WORK ON FINAL EXAM REVIEW