Camp Selection Form 2016- Montessori Corner Camper’s Name ____________________________________ DOB_____________________ Date:_____________________ Payment Policy: Weekly camp fees are due every Friday for the following week of Camp and are subject to a $25 late fee if not received by 8:30 AM the following Monday. Schedule Policy: Use the section below to select your child’s summer schedule. One weeks notice MUST be given for a change of schedule otherwise you will be charged accordingly. For example, if you schedule your child for one week and you do not give notice a week prior that you will not be sending your child then you will still be charged for that week. On the other hand, if you drop your child off on Monday without previously scheduling then: 1. it is not guaranteed that we will have space for your child and 2. if we do have space, you will be charged a $25 late fee in addition to the weekly camp cost. *I understand and accept the payment policy & schedule policy. Signature: ________________________________________________ Date:____________________ 5 Full Days : $250 5 Half Days: $200 4 Full Days: $225 4 Half Days: $183 3 Full Days: $200 3 Half Days: $164 Ext. Care 3:30-4:30 3:30-5:30 3:30-6:30 5 Days $53 $98 $130 4 Days $45 $85 $115 3 Days $40 $73 $95 Week 1: 6/20-6/24 Budding Builders M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 6/17 Initial: __________ Week 2: 6/27-7/1 Water, Water Everywhere M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 6/24 Initial: __________ Week 6: 7/5- 7/8 (Closed 7/4) Imagination Station M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 7/1 Initial: __________ Week 4: 7/11-7/15 Messy Mixtures & Experiments M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 7/8 Initial: __________ Week 5: 7/18-7/22 World Travelers M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 7/15 Initial: __________ Week 6: 7/25-7/29 Fantastic Tales & Super Stories M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 7/22 Initial: __________ Week 7: 8/1-8/5 It’s Hip to Be Healthy M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 7/29 Initial: __________ Week 8: 8/8-8/12 Crazy Kitchen Chemistry M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 8/5 Initial: __________ Week 9: 8/15-8/19 Crafty Campers M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 8/12 Initial: __________ Week 10: 8/22-8/26 Wacky World of Sports M T W R F AM PM or FULL After Care Y or N If yes, until: ___________ TOTAL: __________________ Payment due by Fri 8/19 Initial: __________