Creating a Requisition in Atrieve Web
Open your web browser and go to www. sd5. k12. mt Open your web browser and go to and click on the KPS Employee Portal
Log in using your Windows user name and password.
Hover over the Purchasing tab and click on Requisition Create Hover over the Purchasing tab and click on Requisition Create. Note: Depending on your access rights, your ribbon may look different then the one below.
The first step is to find your vendor The first step is to find your vendor. Click in the Non-Catalogue Item box and type the name E.g. Amazon, or a partial name, and hit Enter. This will populate a search result. Click on the vendor number to select.
To add your first item, click on Add Non-Catalogue Item. Note: If you’re ordering several items that all have the same GL (Budget Code) you can enter that code in the “Update All GL Accounts” box. Once populated, will auto enter all the GL boxes for you as you add lines.
This is your main order screen This is your main order screen. From here you can start adding your items. Start by adding a Description, Price and Quantity for your item. You can also add an item number in the Stock ID box. If you don’t know it then don’t enter anything. Continue to next slide…
Notes can be added that will not appear on the purchase order. A Description can be added that will appear on the purchase order. Click Add Order Comment to access the comment box. The GL account number can be entered in to the GL’s box. No dashes or periods are required, just the numbers. Continue to the next slide to enter multiple GL’s for an item.
If you click on the + sign next to the GL box on the previous slide, you will get a popup window where you can enter multiple GL’s for an item. The split can be by percentage, dollar, or quantity. You can add more GL boxes by clicking the paper icon.
Once you have finished entering the details of your line item, you can click the Checkout button or click Add Non-Catalogue Item to add another item to your order. If you need to, you can quit and come back to your order later. Just click on saved carts.
Checkout: When your order is complete, click the checkout button Checkout: When your order is complete, click the checkout button. You will be taken to the Requisition Specifications screen. From here you can review your order and make changes if needed. Click Next when you are satisfied.
Shipping Information: IMPORTANT Enter your name in the Contact/Phone field. This will ensure that you will receive a copy of your purchase order. The purchase agent will not know who the PO goes to if this field isn’t populated.
Confirmation: On this screen you can review your order one last time before submitting your order. Click Submit to finish your order.
Done: You should see a generated requisition number along with “Success” on the screen. Your requisition is now complete and will be forwarded to the person who approves your orders. Once approved, a purchase order will be generated for the requisition.
Please email or call the Purchase Agent with questions regarding the requisition process Email: Phone: 406-758-8392