Standing Operating Procedures Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures Overview Brief 08-15 December 2017
Agenda Purpose Objectives and Methods Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) Framework and Organization Way Ahead & End State Here is the agenda for today’s brief: The brief will explain the Multinational Planning Augmentation Team Program and the reasons for the program will also be explained The Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) is a an important part of the MPAT program Next, I’ll talk about the MNF SOP document itself and how it will be useful to you And finally, the brief will conclude with a few comments about the future of MPAT
Objectives & Methods MPAT and MNF SOP Improve Speed of Multinational Crisis Response Improve Multinational Force Interoperability Increase Mission Effectiveness Unity of Effort Develop and become familiar with common Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) for MNF HQ Strengthen & Practice Common Crisis Action Planning Procedures The operational objectives of the MPAT program are: Increase speed of initial crisis response by a multinational force in the Asia-Pacific region. Improve the interoperability of multinational military forces, or multinational operations where nations work in parallel with each other. Improve overall Multinational Task Force Headquarters mission effectiveness. Enhance Unity of Effort. The two primary methods by which MPAT supports these objectives are by: Developing a cadre a skilled multinational military planners Developing a common set of procedures This program will ultimately save lives as we improve the multinational capability to rapidly and efficiently respond to a disaster, humanitarian crisis, or complex contingency.
19 dedicated MNF SOP Development Workshops have been conducted to date Background MNF SOP SOP required to improve multinational crisis response capabilities by MPAT nations Not prescriptive, binding or directive Will be left “unsigned” intentionally Serves as a “guide” (start point) A multinational document 19 dedicated MNF SOP Development Workshops have been conducted to date The MNF SOP supports the MPAT program and is its (MPAT) central planning and execution document. The SOP’s focus is on improving “multinational crisis response capabilities within the 31 MPAT nations. To date, we have had 19 dedicated MNF SOP Workshop to date. The next MNF SOP Workshop will be held in 2018. Location is TBD.
MNF SOP– Living Document The MNF SOP is a fully UNCLASSIFIED document and can be obtained by going to ( ). There are no sign in requirements at this website, access freely open to all personnel) It outlines the detailed process for multinational planning based upon 31 MPAT nation coordination over the last decade. Also, at the MPAT website are “operational extracts” (extracts out of the handbook for specific sections used extensively by the MPAT nations). One of these “operational extracts” is a “summarized MNF SOP” that outlines the major activation processes for the forming and rapid stand up of Coalition/Combined Task Force (CTF) for crisis response situation (hip pocket booklet) This extract is a greatly shortened document (hip pocket handbook) compared to the 1200 page full-sized MNF SOP. Version 3.11 November 2017
MNF SOP Purpose Increase multinational force (MNF): Speed of Initial Response Interoperability Overall Mission Effectiveness Unity of Effort One of the first actions in the MPAT initiative was the development of procedures for the operation of a MNF HQ. The MNF SOP recognizes the existence of shared national interests in the region and seeks to standardize some basic concepts and processes that will promote habits of cooperation, increased dialogue, and provide for baseline multinational force operational concepts. Further, this SOP serves as a centerpiece for the MPAT workshops and exercises aimed at improving interoperability and multinational military readiness within the Asia-Pacific region. The purpose of the SOP is to support the same goals of the MPAT Program: Increase the speed of a MNF initial response, Improve interoperability among the participating forces, enhance overall mission effectiveness And support Unity of Effort
MNF SOP Parameters Multinational Document: Ownership by MPAT nations is critical Foundation reference for multinational crisis response Not prescriptive, binding or directive: Serves as a “guide” (start point) for multinational operations Based on “Lead-Nation” Concept (one nation in lead) but flexible for other operations Living, unsigned, web-based document Focus is Operational Level military planning and operations: Primary focus: Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) and small scale contingencies (SSCs) (limited duration/limited intensity security operations) The MNF SOP is truly a multinational document & the foundation of multinational crisis response. The SOP is not a USPACOM document, nor is it signed by any of the participants. It has been developed by the combined efforts of all the MPAT nations. The SOP is also unclassified and available for use by any nation. The procedures contained in the MNF SOP are primarily focused for use by a MNF HQ at the lower end of the conflict spectrum. These include numerous missions such as Peace Operations (which includes Peace Keeping & Peace Enforcement), Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief (HA/DR), military assisted Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO), Search and Rescue/Personnel Recovery (SAR/PR), Combating Terrorism (CT) and Foreign Internal Defense (FID).
Range of Military Operations The MNF SOP focuses on Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) and Small Scale Contingencies (SSC). It is fully focused on combat and non-combat missions across the Range of Military Operations as shown above. The MNF SOP is intended for operations that occur with very little warning and for which there is consensus among nations that a military response is desired. It does NOT focus on major conflicts or declared war situations; however, much of the plans and process can act as a foundation within such situations with minor refinements by nations.
MNF SOP Focus Levels of Planning and Operations Strategic –development & employment of national / multinational level resources; national interests at stake Operational – the “link” between strategic objectives / policy and tactical / field operations, via strategies, campaigns, and major operations (translates strategic guidance into tactical missions) Tactical – Employment of forces at the “execution (field) level” to execute approved military courses of action (COAs) MNF SOP Focus – Campaigns / Major Ops The focus of the MNF SOP is at the operational level of planning and execution process/procedures at the multinational force headquarters and the task force headquarters. The operational level is the link between the national strategic levels and the tactical level – it is this level that produces the major operational plans and/or campaign plans (for more complex operations). The operational level of planning and execution “creates the conditions for success” for the tactical levels.
The Foundation for Unity of Effort MNF SOP Key Principles Operational Start Points Predetermined “start points” prior to a crisis will improve MNF speed of initial response / effectiveness Clear Understanding & Communications It is critical to “agree” or “agree to disagree” based upon a common set of terms & processes Common Planning Process MNF planning structure must provide for an “integrated and managed process” for the development & execution of plans The Foundation for Unity of Effort Shown here are the MNF SOP key principles. They are three fold as outlined. I’ll give you a moment to read them. (NOTE: describe each as required – are CRITICAL for the MNF SOP)
MNF SOP Start Points MNF SOP Start Points: Terminology (Refer to Part E; Glossary and Abbreviations & Acronyms for details) Lead Nation Concept (Refer to Part B, Chapter 1: National Strategic Factors for details) Common Command, Control and Coordination Concepts (Refer to Part B: Chapter 2: Command, Control, Coordination and Cooperation Relationships for details) Standardized Headquarters Organization (Refer to Part B, Chapter 2: CTF Headquarters Organization for details) Common Planning Process (Refer to Part B, Chapter 2: CTF Planning Process and Organization for details) We mentioned earlier that the MNF SOP was a “Start Point” for multinational planning. These are the five (5) start points in the SOP. I’ll give you a moment to read them.
MNF SOP Framework and Organization Framework – SOP based upon a “military context & perspective” SOP Organization: Parts A & B: MNF SOP Foundations and Overview: Conceptual foundation and operational “Start Points” for MNF Operations Part C: Multinational HQ Procedures: Hqs staff organization, procedures, processes and functions Part D: Range of Military Operations and MNF Missions: Missions within the scope of MNF SOP with planning factors, considerations, checklists and other information Parts E: Multinational Reference Library: Glossary, abbreviations, acronyms, reports formats, and reference documents Parts F: Supporting Documents: Templates, Tables, Reports and Formats Shown here is the framework and organization of the MNF SOP. (Note: discuss as required)
MNF SOP Framework and Organization Resources: MNF SOP Portal: MNF SOP Ver 3.11 (dtd November 2017) Handbooks (Extracts): CBRN-TIM Consequence Management CBRN-TIM Defense (dtd October 2010) Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief (HA/DR) (dtd October 2013) Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) (dtd October 2013) Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) (dtd October 2013) Multinational Coordination Center (MNCC) (dtd December 2014) Military Decision Making Process – Multinational (MDMP-M) (dtd November 2015) MDMP-M Academics (dtd March 2016) Here are some additional resources that can be found at the MNF SOP portal.
Way Ahead / Feedback Feedback: Via exercise AARs (need specific change recommendations in “issue, discussion and recommendation” format or via Comment Resolution Matrix template) Via email to MPAT Secretariat (email: Via MNF SOP Workshops (held biennially); next workshop is in 2018 (Location: TBD)
Summary MNF SOP is the basic building block for Multinational Contingency Crisis Response: Multinational Program Serves as “Guide” with Operational Start Points – not prescriptive, binding or directive. Focused at the Multinational Operational Level (CTF HQ) Improves: Speed of Response Interoperability Mission Effectiveness Unity of Effort Internet Reference: One URL !!!! The MNF SOP is the basic guide to use for multinational crisis response. It is designed to improve the planning process and the execution of operations where military forces are required. And, it can be found on the internet at
After Action Review (AAR) Plan TEMPEST EXPRESS 32 08-15 December 2017 Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is . I am from the US PACIFIC COMMAND Training Directorate (J7). I am representing the multinational planning augmentation team (MPAT) secretariat. I would like to say a few words about the MPAT program. After Action Review (AAR) Plan
After Action Review (AAR) Purpose: Improve MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS planning and execution processes, and identify possible improvements to the Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) Reviews: External Review: Where all participants, facilitators and SMEs will capture major issues concerning the TE-32 Staff Planning Workshop’s End State, Objectives, achievements and related issues that will be used to compile a formal written AAR Report SOP Review: Capture MNF SOP change recommendations based on use (testing) of the MNF SOP in TE-32
Review Collection Method: Utilize “Issues-Discussion-Recommendation” format Each Planning Group designate an AAR representative to ensure the Group provides input (seek 100% participation) for both TEMPEST EXPRESS 32 (TE-32) and comments to improve the MNF SOP The AAR Format Template with instructions will be posted in a Share Folder Each participant will fill the Format and save within the Group’s folder Input will be review and consolidated daily for use in preparing the Final AAR report The Group representative will provide clarification on the requirement as necessary Mr. Carey will be the point of contact TEMPEST EXPRESS 32 (TE-32) After Action Issue Identification Instructions and Format Purpose: To gather constructive information to improve future TEMPEST EXPRESS Staff Planning Workshops and data to consider for updating the MNF SOP. The goal is to achieve 100% participation. Below is the format to be used. A statement is also provided to describing each piece of information required. For TE-32 data, please consider the following areas when providing your response: TE-32 End State, Objectives, their achievements and related issues including Academic and Planning. Feel free to provide additional comments about other aspects of the Workshop. Format: #1. Issue: State / Determine the issue if there is one. Issues can be good or not so good but, must be constructive. Discussion: Provide details about the issue. Recommendation: Provide recommendations to resolve the issue. #2. Issue: xxx Discussion: xxx Recommendation: xxx
Enhancing Multinational Operations Questions? This completes my briefing. Do you have any questions ?? Enhancing Multinational Operations