Commit your soul to God 1.Pet.4:19.


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Presentation transcript:

Commit your soul to God 1.Pet.4:19

It is not easy to be a Christian today. The world scoffs at the thought. But one should never be ashamed of being a Christian 1.Pet.4:16. Regardless of how the world treats you, Christians are the only ones who will be saved, but with difficulty 1.Pet.4:17-18. So how will we handle life while in the world?

Commit your soul to God! You are responsible for your faith 1.Tim.6:20-21. So if you commit it to God it will be in a safe place 1.Pet.1:3-5. Commit- entrust, deliver, deposit something of value to another for safekeeping. You are placing your life in the hand of God for safekeeping.

By implication Peter’s exhortation helps us to understand the value of the soul Matt.10:28; 16:26. This is the part of man Jesus came to save. So you ought to make sure you commit your soul to God. Question? Have you done this? You say, Yes, I’ve been baptized, I attend services regularly.

But commitment is more than performing a few acts. The Pharisees did that much Matt.5:20. What does it mean to commit your soul to God? It means entrusting, delivering your most valuable possession to Him for safekeeping, fully confident that it will be safe Jn.10:29.

It is saying, Here is my life, all of me, inside and out It is saying, Here is my life, all of me, inside and out. I trust you to take care of it. Illustrations. Jesus on the cross Lk.23:46; 1.Pet.2:23. Stephen being stoned Acts 7:59. Paul’s conviction 2.Tim.1:12. Commitment means to do all that it takes to accomplish a purpose. Jesus said God had committed all judgment to Him Jn.5:22.

Jesus was entrusted with the task of saving the souls of men. God knew He couldn’t be bribed, nor would He play favorites. The world was guilty of sin, deserving of death. But Jesus was entrusted with the task of saving men’s souls, not because they deserved it. Jesus knew the hearts of men Jn.2:23-25.

Yet He was was willing to do whatever it took to save man 1. Jn Yet He was was willing to do whatever it took to save man 1.Jn.3:4-5; Rom.5:8; Lk.19:10. This is what I call commitment. Paul had the gospel committed to him Tit.1:3. He later committed it to Timothy and faithful men 1.Tim.1:18-20; 2.Tim.2:2. This is total commitment, even if it cost them their lives.

The gospel was too valuable to allow anyone to tamper with or change it. This is commitment. Note the example of Ruth 1:16-17. Do we really mean it when we sing “I gave my life for thee?” A comparison of our sacrifice to His “True-hearted, whole hearted” the totality of our devotion to Him. The Lord invites us to make a commitment Matt.11:28-30.

If we do this, we have the help of heaven to protect us Heb.13:5-6. Commitment helps us to be patient and endure suffering for Christ (text). It helps us to do right regardless of what others want Acts 5:29. Balaam was not so committed Num.22-23. It helps us to worship and give as we should.

To give attention to spiritual things 1.Tim.4:12-15. It gives us assurance Phil.4:13; Eph.3:20-21. How deep is your commitment? George asks a girl to marry him. “I’m not telling you ‘yes’ or ‘no’ so you can’t say I’m rejecting you.” How do you suppose George felt?