The People of the BC Gold Rushes
Review natural resource export import Prospector Who lived in BC in 1850??? Fur Traders and Indigenous Peoples In which year did the Fraser Gold rush start? In which year did the Cariboo Gold rush start? What was the name of the gold rush town that became the biggest city north of San Francisco?
People of the Gold Rush: Billy Barker Billy Barker
People of the Gold Rush: John Cariboo Cameron John Cariboo Cameron
People of the Gold Rush: Matthew Bailie Begbie Matthew Bailie Begbie
People of the Gold Rush: Sir James Douglas Sir James Douglas
The year is 1861 Billy Barker just discovered a massive gold find ($1000!!!) near Williams Creek YOU just travelled by boat, by coach, and by foot, and have arrived at Williams Creek NOW we need to decide what to do next Barkerville: Role Play
People of the Gold Rush: Sir James Douglas Sir James Douglas