- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter The Gold Vault Chapter Fort Knox, KY General Membership Meeting March 22, 2011
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter Agenda Opening Remarks/Welcome – Freddie Blakely Chapter Presentation – Vince Holloway –Introduction of Chapter Leadership –Accomplishments Since Last Meeting –Mission and Vision Statement –Strategic Goals –Model Chapter Goals –Joining the Ft. Knox Gold Vault Chapter Guest Speaker – BG LaWarren Patterson, CG, 7 th Signal Command –Mission of the 7 th Signal Command –The Cyber Threats We All Face Questions and Answers
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter Gold Vault Chapter Leadership Board of Directors Chairman – Freddie Blakely Vice Chairman – Vince Holloway President – Joe Bonano Director -- Marv Barker Director -- Gordon Baylis Director – Bruce Border Director – Dave Cox Director – Billie Giles Director – Luke Hill Director – COL Bob Knutson Officers President – Joe Bonano Vice President – Mike Edwards Secretary – Tammy Plamp Treasurer – Bruce Shackett VP, Operations/Community OutreachVacant VP, ProgramsJohn Miller VP, PublicityNancy Golly VP, Scholarships/EducationGary Thomas VP, MembershipBrad Genet VP, AwardsLinda Maassen Young AFCEANAnthony Day PhotographerGlenn Fonda
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter Accomplishments Since Last Meeting Board of Directors –Validated the Chapter Vision and Mission –Established the Chapter's Strategic Plan Executive Committee –Established and submitted our Model Chapter Goals for next years model chapter award –Successfully supported our first conference (Code PaLOUsa in Louisville) –Established the Chapter's Website ( –Established our Bank Account and appropriate tax documentation for normal operating funds –Applied for EIN for the Educational Foundation account –Received seed funding from AFCEA International –Started planning for the Chapter's scholarship program –Started planning for the Chapter's Young AFCEA program
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter AFCEA Mission AFCEA is an organization that serves its members by providing a forum for the ethical exchange of information. The Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter is dedicated to increasing knowledge through the exploration of issues relevant to its members in information technology, communications, and electronics for the defense, homeland security and intelligence communities. AFCEA Vision To be the premier information technology, communications, and electronics association for professionals in government, industry and academia for the Greater Fort Knox Community.
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter AFCEA Core Values Ethics Commitment Education Visionary Leadership Quality Diversity AFCEA Goals Provide a recognized ethical forum that promotes discussion of information technologies and issues among government, industry and academic leaders worldwide. Provide value and benefits to members and communities of interest. Actively engage Government agencies on IT policy matters. Grow and maintain our active membership within the IT community. Provide professional development.
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter First Year Goals B Y THE END OF Y EAR O NE WILL ACCOMPLISH : Grow the membership Establish business processes Create a marketing plan identifying AFCEA product, placement, promotional activity, and price Involve the membership in leadership and committee activities Assign board members to act as mentors to roles on the leadership team Establish scholarship fund Give out at least one scholarship
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter Three and Five Year Goals B Y THE END OF Y EAR T HREE WILL ACCOMPLISH : Increased funding for scholarship Hold the second annual industry day Have at least two members publishing or speaking on a national level Grow the pool of members and the pool of leaders Build an active mentorship program reaching the schools B Y THE END OF Y EAR F IVE WILL ACCOMPLISH : Integrate local businesses into the process and cadence Manage a functional financial portfolio Be regarded as the go-to organization in the region for IT professionals Sustain Membership
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter Model Chapter Goals The purpose of the Model Chapter Award is to strengthen the overall chapter structure and program of activities. Membership Increase individual membership by 20 percent. Exceed 75 percent for individual membership retention. Corporate Involvement Gain at least two Corporate Sponsorships. Scholarships/Educational Opportunities Establish a scholarship fund and give out at least one scholarship. Events Prepare Industry Day structure and strategy for FY12 Perform fundraising analysis to determine other likely events. Awards Submit at least one chapter award through the Regional RVP Establish a procedure for future nominations for individual members.
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter Joining the Gold Vault Chapter As of 10 Mar 2011, 106 AFCEA Members affiliated with the Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter AFCEA Member, but not affiliated with the Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter: –Simply go to the AFCEA portal at log in select 'portal home' on the left frame; select the 'Transfer Chapter' button on the Memberships tab on the right side; select the drop down arrow for Select New Chapter; Select 'Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter'; and select 'Submit'. Interested in Joining AFCEA : –The easiest way to join is to go to and join by applying and paying on line. Be sure to affiliate with the Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter.
- Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter Questions and Answers