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YOU OR YOU LEFT RIGHT LEFT 2 nd Step RIGHT Compulsory NOTE :- To get Working Income, 2 Direct Sponsor is Compulsory
You Silver After 10 pairs, to Enter in Club Income Deduction will be Min. 500Rs OR Max. 2000Rs(At the level = 5,000) + 25 Pairs. NOTE:- Silver LEFTRIGHT 1:2 = 1000 Rs OR 2:1 = 1000 Rs LEFT RIGHT Silver After 1:2 OR 2:1 Pair, in Next Step 1:1 Pair Unlimited Depth 1:1 Pair = Rs 1000, Per Day Capping = 5 Silver Pairs=5*1000 = Rs 5000
To Enter in Gold Club Income Deduction will be Min. 500Rs or Max. 2000Rs(At the level=10,000Rs) + 25 Silver Pairs. NOTE:- RIGHT YOU Gold LEFT Gold 1:2= Rs :1= Rs 2000 Unlimited Depth 1:1 Pair = Rs 2000, Per Day Capping = 5 Gold Pairs= Rs 10,000 RIGHT LEFT Gold YOU Gold GOLD
To Enter in Diamond Club Income Deduction will be Min. 500Rs OR Max. 2000Rs(At the level=20,000Rs) + 25 Gold Pairs. NOTE:- RIGHT YOU Dia mon d LEFT Diamond 1:2= Rs 4000 Diamond 2:1= Rs 4000 First 1:2 OR 2:1 Pair after that Unlimited Depth 1:1 Pair = Rs 4000, Per Day Capping = 5 Diamond Pairs= Rs 20,000 RIGHT YOU Dia mon d LEFT Diamond
= * Conditions Apply NOTE :- 25 New Pairs Per Month Compulsory from your Group for Royalty Income. 25 New Pairs Per Month Compulsory from your Group for Royalty Income.
PairsNo. of Associate Awards & Rewards 1021 Light Weight Electric Steamed Press 2551 Juicer Mixer Grinder Washing Machine Bike /LapTop Worth Rs Plasma T.V With Home Theater 500 1,001 Gold Worth Rs 1.21 Lac ,001 Car Fund Rs 2.5 Lac 25005,001 Real Estate Worth Rs 3.5Lac ,001 Gold Diamond Jewelery Worth Rs5.0 Lac ,001 SKODA BM including (Tour any where in India 5 Nights and 4 Days in 3 or 5 Star Hotel + 1,01,000 Cash ……………………….………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………. Awards and Rewards
1. You can Earn Total capping per Day 37, Royalty Income will be in monthly. 3. Pair Income will be in weekly. 4. TDS Deduction will be 10% 5. Admin Charge Deduction will be 5% 6. Repurchase Deduction will be 10% 7. After joining, Products will be delivered in 15 Working days. 8. To Enter in Club Min. 500 Rs OR Max Rs Deduction. 9. For Diamond, Royalty Income will be start from next month 10. Repurchase Income will be in Monthly. 11. In case of increment in Products MRP. then Project Plan Package will also increase.