Don´t mourn, commonify. David Hammerstein Commons Network Co Director Cormac McCarthy: The Road Don´t mourn, commonify. David Hammerstein Commons Network Co Director
IPPC: "12 years left to take "unprecedented measures” against climate change”
International Energy Agency report: World Energy Outlook 2017 Rapid deployment and falling costs of clean energy technologies The growing electrification of energy The shift to a more services-oriented economy A cleaner energy mix in China The resilience of shale gas and tight oil in the US
Year 2040 300 million electiric cars expected on roads Energy demand will stay at around 105 million BPD – No stop of growth “The creation of energy efficient structures just determines the possibility of doing certain things with less effort, whilst an existing environmental, social and economic pressure causes that these structures are multiplied and used to do more things.” Lablanca, Bertoldi:
IEA expects global energy needs to expand 30% Year 2040 Renewables and electrification of transport will not reverse more oil consumption IEA expects global energy needs to expand 30%
IEA - Increased demand for oil
More than 10 million bpd from today to 2025 In order to meet expected growth the approvals of conventional oil projects need to double from their current levels More than 10 million bpd from today to 2025 “a historically unprecedented feat” - IEA director Fatih Birol
Result: Runaway catastrophic climate change Massive destruction of essential ecosystems and biodiversity Exacerbated food and water crisis
Don´t mourn, commonify energy! Commons approach Equitably, sustainably and democratically sharing essential resources Regenerating what is common Wisely governing scarce natural resources
Urgent Challenges Reduce global demand of oil and coal Decentralize and make energy production resilient to crisis and extreme climate Share and allow community control of technologies worldwide Link the regeneration of the natural commons with a stronger knowledge commons
Urgent Challenges Promote EU development policy oriented toward the energy commons in the global South Localize general production, commerce and consumption Institute a localized/regionalized sharing economy with democratic governance
Production: 11.80 GWh per year Affordable electricity generated by wind turbines, solar panels, biogas plants, etc. 52.976 partners 85.832 contracts Production: 11.80 GWh per year