Sphere Resources Inc. Corporate Presentation SPH.H:NEX-V Successful Gold Exploration Begins In The Best Mining Camps May
Sphere Resources Inc. Disclaimer This presentation may include certain forward-looking statements concerning the future performance of our business, its operations and its financial performance and condition, as well as management's objectives, strategies, beliefs and intentions. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as "may", "plan", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "intend and similar words referring to future events and results. Forward-looking statements are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, competitive risks and the availability of financing and as described in more detail in our recent securities filings available at Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward looking-statements and we caution against placing undue reliance thereon. 2
Sphere Resources Inc. Canadian Gold exploration and development company. Listed on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX-V; NEX: SPH.H) Since 2008, targeting the best gold camps of North America. 3
Sphere Resources Inc. Operating in the following areas: Red Lake district of NW Ontario, one of the worlds richest and highest grade gold camps. Nevada, targeting some of the richest gold regions in the USA ( Carlin, Round Mountain to Northumberland and Pequop Trends). 4
Sphere Resources Inc. Directors & Management Directors: Malcolm Stevens Executive Chairman & President Tom Needham CFO Marshall AuerbackNon-Executive Director Christopher TuckerNon-Executive Director Gordon YuleNon-Executive Director Combined board and management experience: 90+ years Resource Exploration Development Operations Investment 5
Sphere Resources Inc. Project Team Gordon Yule, P.Geo extensive experience and knowledge of the Red Lake district & Ontario previously V.P. of Exploration for Mega Precious Metals working along side Jim Rogers, ex-chief geologist of Goldcorps Red Lake mine, credited for discovering Goldcorps High Grade Zone. Mr Yule was a semi-finalist in Goldcorps Red Lake Gold Rush Challenge Contest. Mick Gavrilovic, COO of Spartan Gold Ltd Steven Davis, P.Geo 40 years experience in Nevada, previously with Homestake and Newmont Mining David Heyl, P.Geo author of Spartans NI reports 25 years of field and senior management experience conducted exploration and mining programs for gold and base metals resulting in several significant discoveries. 6
Sphere Resources Inc. Strategy and Approach Successful gold exploration begins in the best mining camps Focus on areas in the developed world which are mining friendly where there is good infrastructure Mitigate risk through collaboration / deal structure 7
Sphere Resources Inc. History In 2006 sold South African assets to focus on the leading gold camps of North America. Until funds were received from South African asset disposals, company was reliant on internally generated funds. Exploration commitments have been farmed out under claw-back arrangements and option agreements, or funded through organic cash generation. 8
Sphere Resources Inc. Developments since 2008 – Canada & USA Initiated acquisitions in Red Lake, Ontario in Nov 2009: Dome property option* – 1,344 acres (Nov 2009), McManus property option* – 803 acres (Dec 2010) Alcourt property option – 250 acres (Mar 2011) (*Now referred to collectively as Expanded Dome Properties) In early 2011, acquired 100% ownership of Expanded Dome Properties. 9
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake - Canada Initiated collaboration with Duncan Park in March 2010 to develop Dome properties. Duncan Park has option on 75% of Dome Properties. Duncan Park to spend up to C$2.1m ($925,000 on Dome already spent) and ($1.2M on McManus) over 3 years to explore Dome Properties. Sphere has the right to claw back 51% of Dome Properties on payment of 4 x Duncan Parks expenditure. Collaboration with Duncan Park subsequently extended (on similar terms) to cover: McManus Property (expanded Dome Properties) 10
Sphere Resources Inc. Nevada - USA Dec 2010, entered into a collaboration agreement with Spartan Gold (OTCBB: SPAG) Identified two properties in Nevada, entered into Option and JV Agreements with Spartan and Mexivada. Poker Flats on the Carlin Trend, Nevada Ziggurat on the Round Mountain to Northumberland Trend, Nevada April 2011, sold options in the properties for equity in Spartan, and royalties on the assets. October 2011, acquired a controlling interest in Spartan Gold. 11
Sphere Resources Inc. About Duncan Park Quoted on TSX-V (DPH) Toronto based minerals exploration company Exploring for gold and other precious metals in the Dome, Byshe and Hyeson Townships in Ontarios Red Lake gold mining district by way of option agreements with Sphere Resources Inc. and Camp McMan Red Lake Gold Mines Inc. 12
Sphere Resources Inc. About Spartan Gold Spartan Gold Ltd. (OTCBB: SPAG) is a publicly traded U.S. based junior gold exploration and mining company. Development activity centred in both the Carlin-Rain and Round Mountain-Northumberland Gold Trends in Nevada. 13
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario One of the worlds richest and highest grade gold camps 14
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario PEDIGREE Home to the highest grade gold mine in the world One of the worlds richest gold camps +25 million ounces gold produced since major discoveries since 2004 Geology known for hosting multi-million oz deposits Possibility of a further +30 million oz to discover INFRASTRUCTURE Mining friendly jurisdiction Superior infrastructure already in place Goldcorps operating mill 4kms away 15
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario – Dome Property ACQUISITION Acquired option in November 2009 Over 1,344 acres (544 hectares) land package GEOLOGY 2 deformation zones crossing into property 2 fault lines – 1 running south east to north west and the other runs south west to north east which intersect at the northwest corner Multiple shear zones overlaying the north eastern block Structural features on the property are similar to those found at Goldcorps Red Lake High Grade gold zone. 16
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario – Original Dome Property 17
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario – McManus Property ACQUISITION Acquired option 6 December, 2010 Over 803 acre (325 hectares) land package GEOLOGY Deformation zones, fault lines and shear zones run onto the property Historic drill hole on McManus in 1936 intersected 33g or 1oz per ton gold over 2 feet Adjoins Mega Precious Metals Headway property ~200m from Megas two 3000m active drill holes exploring for Goldcorps High Grade Zone extension 1.3kms from Goldcorps High Grade Zone Goldcorps High Grade Zone could potentially extend into the McManus property 18
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario – Expanded Dome Properties Does Goldcorp High Grade Zone extend into Dome Property?? 19
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario – Alcourt Property ACQUISITION Acquired option on March acres surrounded by successful Red Lake explorer Rubicon Will develop alone without collaboration using internally generated funds. GEOLOGY 3 gold veins discovered in 1980 by Sherritt Gordon Panel sample returned grades from to oz per tonne In 1981 a non-NI compliant report by James Tilsley and Associates suggested a potential resource of 20,000 tonnes grading 0.45 oz per tonne. A further NI was prepared by G.A Harron & Associates, Inc. and lodged on in August
Sphere Resources Inc. Red Lake, Ontario – Exploration plans 2012 DOME PROPERTIES Drilling completed on anomalies identified on North and South East sections and an area of mineralization found 1.2km long and 440m wide and 400m deep. Up to 4 holes may be drilled during the fourth quarter of 2012 and first quarter of Exploration costs borne by Duncan Park Holdings Corporation. ALCOURT IP survey and opening up of three surface vein structures for geological review. 21
Sphere Resources Inc. Nevada The richest gold camp in the world 22
Sphere Resources Inc. Nevadas Carlin Trend A belt of gold deposits about 40 miles by 5 miles extending in NNW through Carlin, Nevada. One of the world's richest gold mining districts. Gold discovered in the area in the 1870s. By 2008, mines in the area had produced over 70 million ounces of gold, worth around US$90 billion at 2010 prices. 23
Sphere Resources Inc. Nevada – Carlin Trend – Poker Flats - Proximity 24
Sphere Resources Inc. 25 Nevada – Carlin Trend – Poker Flats - Proximity
Sphere Resources Inc. Round Mountain to Northumberland Trend An archetypal Carlin-style deposit with potential for a significant component of high-grade mineralization. Northumberland has an indicated resource of over 43 million tonnes of gold. Approximately 20% of the gold ounces are oxide, with the rest comprising transitional / sulfide material. 26
Sphere Resources Inc. 27
Sphere Resources Inc. 28 Nevada – Ziggurat - Proximity Kinross: Gold Hill Mine (3.6m Oz Proven) Ziggurat – Under Development Newmont: Northumberland Mine (2.2 m Oz Indicates) Barrick / Kinross: Round Mountain Mine (Over 15m Oz already mined + 2.6m Oz proven & Probable Reserves)
Sphere Resources Inc. Nevada – Investment Stake in Spartan Gold April 2011, Sphere sold interests in Poker Flats and Ziggurat Property for m shares and 5.75 m warrants in Spartan Gold. In October 2011 and December 2012 Sphere increased its shares in Spartan Gold to take its interest to m attaining controlling interest. Sphere also holds 1.54 m warrants* in Spartan. Sphere will also receive royalties on these properties: 2.5% NSR on Ziggurat; 2.0% NSR on Poker Flats * 287,475 convertible at $20 per share on March 28, ,250,000 convertible at $2 per share on September 7,
Sphere Resources Inc. Nevada – Exploration Plans 2013 Expanded the areas to be explored at Ziggurat and Poker Flats projects to be explored by Spartan Gold –Mapping, sampling and geophysical programs to delineate drill targets –Planning of aggressive drill program with expenditures of $2,000,000 Exploration of Gold Jackpot to begin 2nd quarter
Sphere Resources Inc. Investment Considerations 31
Sphere Resources Inc. Finance South African disposal cleaned up balance sheet. Costs of exploration covered: –Costs of exploration of Dome Properties will be borne by Duncan Park Holdings Corp. –Exploration costs of Gold Jackpot and Alcourt will be covered by sales of shares in Spartan Gold. Raising additional funding for increased interest in Spartan, exploration at Red Lake properties and working capital. 32
Sphere Resources Inc. Sphere Resources - Investment Opportunity Strong balance sheet High quality opportunity in high quality locations –Ontario (Red Lake) –Nevada (Carlin, Round Mountain to Northumberland, Pequop Trends) Exploration risks mitigated through collaboration and deal structure: low initial investment with option to buy back if successful. Planning to return to main TSX board in Nov/Dec
Sphere Resources Inc. Sphere Investments InvestmentTicker Shares (million) Share price Value (C$ million) Comments Spartan GoldSPAG19.64US$0.19 (Note 1) 3.73 (Note 2) Undiluted Note 1: Share prices and exchange rates were correct as of close of business on 13 May 2013 Note 2: Exchange rate US$ 1.00 = C$
Sphere Resources Inc. Share Structure and Financial Data Issued and outstanding138.5 million WarrantsNone Options8.5 million Fully diluted146.9 million Insider ownership34.0 million Share price at 13 May cents Market capitalisation at 13 May, 2013C$.731 million 35
Sphere Resources Inc. Sphere Resources Inc Malcolm Stevens Executive Chairman & President Sphere Resources Inc. Successful gold exploration begins In the best mining camps 36