Promises Made to the Fathers


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Presentation transcript:

Promises Made to the Fathers The Enochian Covenant

The Covenant God Made with Enoch

The Covenant God Made with Enoch To promises made to Enoch are found in three places-- Moses 7:51-52, 60-64 (made with Enoch)—the main or foundational set of promises JST Genesis 9:15, 21-25 (made with Noah)—add detail to promises made in Moses 7 And JST Genesis 14:26-35 (also with Melchizedek)—reveal the power of this covenant

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Will not destroy the world by flood (of water) again (Moses 7:51)

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Will not destroy the world by flood (of water) again (Moses 7:51) Will call upon the children of Noah (i.e., will call the posterity of Noah to repent and come unto Christ; call them as servants)—(Moses 7:51)

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Will not destroy the world by flood (of water) again (Moses 7:51) Will call upon the children of Noah (i.e., will call the posterity of Noah to repent and come unto Christ; call them as servants)—(Moses 7:51) Enoch, through Noah’s posterity, “shall always be found among all nations, while the earth should stand” (Moses 7:52)

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Christ will come to the earth “in the last days”--in a day of wickedness--“but my people will I preserve” (Moses 7:61)

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Christ will come to the earth “in the last days”--in a day of wickedness--“but my people will I preserve” (Moses 7:61) Flood the earth with righteousness and truth (Moses 7:62) – Recall that righteousness and truth are essential aspects of Zion (Moses 7:18)

Moses 7:18 And the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.

Moses 7:18 And the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. “one heart and one mind”—by learning and accepting (adopting) truth as taught by God (see Isaiah 55:8-9, then D&C 93:24-25; Jacob 4:13)

Moses 7:18 And the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. “one heart and one mind”—by learning and accepting (adopting) truth as taught by God (see Isaiah 55:8-9, then D&C 93:24-25; Jacob 4:13) “dwelt in righteousness”—righteousness is being ‘right with God’, walking in His paths or ways; “A righteous person is one who makes and keeps gospel covenants.” (Pres. James E. Faust, “Key to the Knowledge of God,” Ensign, Nov. 2004, 52)

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Christ will come to the earth “in the last days”--in a day of wickedness--“but my people will I preserve” (Moses 7:61) Flood the earth with righteousness and truth (Moses 7:62) – Recall that righteousness and truth are essential aspects of Zion (Moses 7:18)

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Christ will come to the earth “in the last days”--in a day of wickedness--“but my people will I preserve” (Moses 7:61) Flood the earth with righteousness and truth (Moses 7:62) – Recall that righteousness and truth are essential aspects of Zion (Moses 7:18) “Gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth” to “an Holy City” called Zion, which shall be prepared by Jesus Christ (Moses 7:62)

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Christ will come to the earth “in the last days”--in a day of wickedness--“but my people will I preserve” (Moses 7:61) Flood the earth with righteousness and truth (Moses 7:62) – Recall that righteousness and truth are essential aspects of Zion (Moses 7:18) “Gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth” to “an Holy City” called Zion, which shall be prepared by Jesus Christ (Moses 7:62) Since God had made an “unalterable decree” that Enoch’s seed would be found among all nations (Moses 7:52), then Zion cannot remain being a single city but must be enlarged, eventually encompassing the entire earth—Zion will become a world wide nation!

The Covenant God Made with Enoch Moses 7 Christ will come to the earth “in the last days”--in a day of wickedness--“but my people will I preserve” (Moses 7:61) Jesus Christ will return to the earth, and with Him, Enoch’s city, and “the general assembly of the church of the firstborn” and “possess the earth for a thousand years (Moses 7:63-64; JST Gen. 9:23)

The Promises Made with Abraham--establishes how the promises made with Enoch will be achieved

The Promises Made with Abraham--establishes how the promises made with Enoch will be achieved Abraham will have a posterity that will be a great nation (as numerous as the stars or the sand). This is the elect spoken of in Enoch’s covenant.

The Promises Made with Abraham--establishes how the promises made with Enoch will be achieved Abraham will have a posterity that will be a great nation (as numerous as the stars or the sand). This is the elect spoken of in Enoch’s covenant. Abraham’s posterity will have a land “when they hearken to my voice”(the idea being when Abraham’s posterity turns to God and obey’s his voice they have a place where they can worship.

The Promises Made with Abraham--establishes how the promises made with Enoch will be achieved Abraham will have a posterity that will be a great nation (as numerous as the stars or the sand). This is the elect spoken of in Enoch’s covenant. Abraham’s posterity will have a land “when they hearken to my voice”(the idea being when Abraham’s posterity turns to God and obey’s his voice they have a place where they can worship. Abraham’s posterity will have the Gospel and Priesthood.

The Promises Made with Abraham--establishes how the promises made with Enoch will be achieved Abraham’s posterity “shall bear this ministry and Priesthood unto all nations” and by them “shall all the families of the earth be blessed, even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal.”