Overview October 2013
Mintek - situated in Randburg, on the northern outskirts of Johannesburg
Mintek …… is one of the largest and oldest mineral and metal technology institutes in the world (80 years old in 2014) is a state-owned Science Council, governed by an Act of Parliament, with a board appointed by the Minister of Mineral Resources focuses on all aspects of minerals processing and beneficiation, with the exception of iron- and steel making and coal processing has a permanent staff of about 750, including 250 engineers and scientists undertakes R&D and furnishes commercial testwork and consultancy services to clients worldwide Has an annual budget of about €50 million: 50% funding from state sources, focused on research 50% commercial income, derived from various services to industry (Over 700 commercial projects last year) 3 3 3
Mintek operates in the latter stages of the Mining Value Chain Hydrometallurgy & Biotechnology Value Addition Exploration Mining Concentration Refining Pyrometallurgy CGS CSIR MINTEK
Fields Outputs Clients Mintek’s activities Specialised Services State Products Routine Services IP / Know-How Clients State Mining and metallurgical companies Engineering companies SMMEs Gold & uranium Platinum metals Ferrous metals Non-Ferrous Industrial minerals
International projects account for half Mintek’s revenue
Mintek’s extensive R&D underpins its commercial services Mintek spends €25m annually on applied R&D (~50% of its budget) These R&D outputs are transferred to industry either in the form of commercial service work or, on occasion, technology licences Mintek undertakes over 700 commercial projects annually, evidence of the high regard industry has for our technology
Mineral Processing Division Competitive strengths – PGM processing, HPGR, ore sorting
Pyrometallurgy Division Competitive strengths – DC smelting, laterite, ferroalloys, beach sands, magnesium
Hydrometallurgy Division Competitive strengths – uranium, PGM and gold processing, IX, Resin in pulp
Biotechnology Division Competitive strengths – Tank and heap bioleaching, biosynthesis of metal nano-particles and surfactants
Advanced Materials Division Competitive strengths - metal-based value added products in the following areas: Biomedical : metal-based drugs for HIV, malaria & cancer (commercial HIV-1 integrase assay kit developed) Catalysis: precious metals (gold & platinum-group metals) based catalysts & pilot plants (AUROLite™ catalyst range) Nanotechnology: devices in health and water Metallurgy: products and services
Often the site work is conducted in very difficult conditions! Copper heap bioleach test facility in Iran
These test facilities are operated at industrial scale Tapping of Mintek’s test DC furnace
Extensive re-configuration is required to demonstrate specific technologies Mintek test facility for magnesium production
Mintek sometimes supplies technology on a turnkey basis Turnkey gold refinery using Mintek Minotaur® technology
79-year track record of technology transfer Historically …. Uranium recovery in the 1940’s Pebble- and run-of-mine milling in the 1950’s Carbon-in-pulp in the 1970’s More recent developments .... DC smelting for Koniambo FeNi , and SA beach sands METRIX® resin-in-pulp for uranium recovery ConRoast® smelting technology for high-Cr platinum Cyanoprobe® on-line cyanide monitoring equipment Minstral® furnace electrode and FloatStar® flotation control Heap leaching design data for a very large Chilean copper project Milling/flotation process for UG2 platinum ores
Thank you www.mintek.co.za peterc@mintek.co.za