List Operation in ProLog EUSL/TC/IS/2013/COM/08
In here list will print..
Here list will print reversely
Here create a list first number to last number and print it
Here print mean
This will check that inside of list number have or not?
Here every element of list will increase by one….
It will give factorial of given number
Concatenate tow Lists
This will encapsulate all elements
Here zero insert into the list shifting one by one
Here given list will clone to variable
Here we can update our given list using index number
Here list will rotate
Here when we give number it will prompt what’s the Fibonacci number of it.
This will check given number is member of list or not?
Here we can insert number into list…
Here we can identify that repeat element, and can delete.
Here print list without duplicate element..
It will print maximum number in list
Here print element that greater than given number
Here delete element that equal to given number and print new list
Here delete element that given index
Here split element that given number
Here check element can couple or not…and if can then print list
Here remove parenthesis in list and simple list
Here check two list and print unique element in new list
Here list will divided according to type in element