Heniff Transportation, LLC Company Overview
Our Mission To efficiently transport our customers’ chemicals safely, securely and on-time, every time. HENIFF
Transport a broad list of liquid bulk chemicals Core Service Offerings Transport a broad list of liquid bulk chemicals 24-hour terminal-based dispatch Tank cleaning facilities Maintenance facilities Tank rental/leasing ISO container transportation & depot Rail transfer facilities
Coverage of continental U.S., Canada, and Mexico Geographic Coverage & Terminal Footprint Coverage of continental U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Equipment Pool Current Fleet Over three hundred power units and 600 tank trailers with an average age less than half the majority of our competitors. Wide variety of trailer specs 32 ISO Container Chassis Heavy Container Lift Meticulously maintained GPS & communications-enabled Tomorrow & Beyond Continued emphasis on meeting our customers’ equipment needs
Experienced Personnel Large pool of safety-minded and experienced drivers Flexible and seasoned dispatch professionals Courteous and customer-focused service staff Dedicated safety professionals Proven management team
Technology Focus and Implementation State-of-the-Art technology for truck & trailer tracking and communication Excerpt from the PeopleNet News: “Heniff Transportation Systems, Oak Brook, Il, is looking forward to improving driver efficiency and speeding up the accounting cycle as it begins replacing its current technology with what the IT Director calls the next “evolution in electronic operation. Portability and built-in features close the lag between gathering documents at the customer site and submitting paperwork at the terminal and eliminates extra steps.” Dedicated Information Technology staff administering all Company upgrades.
Safety is Our #1 Priority ACC Responsible Care® Partner Comprehensive & on-going driver training Fully-adopted Hazardous Materials Security Plan “Satisfactory” DOT rating -- highest attainable Well-established Emergency Response Plan Always the top priority for all of our employees
Proven and Well-Recognized Safety Record 2011 Recipient of Dow Gold Safety Excellence Award Eastman Safety Award NTTC Safety Award 2010 Recipient of Eastman Excellence Award 2009 Recipient of Dow Gold Safety Excellence Award 2008 Recipient of Eastman Excellence Award 2007 Accepted into American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care Partnership Program Lowest 3-Year WC Rate Loss Award – Cottingham & Butler Truck Insurance Group 2006 Competitive Safety Merit Award (8 – 12 million Miles Class) Personnel Safety Merit Award (8 – 12 Million Miles Class) Second Year Improvement Award 2005 Competitive Safety Merit Award (7 – 10.5 Million Miles Class) Personnel Safety Grand Award (7 – 10.5 Million Miles Class) 2004 Competitive Safety Merit Award (7.5 – 11 Million Miles Class) Personnel Safety Grand Award (7.5 – 11 Million Miles Class) First Year Improvement Award
Some of the Companies that Rely on Us 70% of the top 50 U.S. chemical producers rely on Heniff for liquid bulk transportation.
What Puts Heniff Ahead of the Competition? Long-standing safety record, on-time reliability, and driver professionalism Early adopter of state-of-the-art technology Extremely young fleet compared to the industry Participative, entrepreneurial culture Competitively priced Always looking for ways to grow our business
For more information, please contact one of us at any time. Robert J. Heniff Founder 630-230-2102 bheniff@heniff.com Scott Templeman Director of Operations 630-230-2101 stempleman@heniff.com