Counties: Flagler Lake Orange Osceola Seminole Volusia Orlando Region Counties: Flagler Lake Orange Osceola Seminole Volusia
City of Orlando Fire Station #15 Orlando, Orange County, Florida City of Orlando High Performance Characteristics First LEED Certified Fire Station in the Southeast Optimized Energy Performance Low Volume Plumbing Fixtures Fuel Efficient and Carpool Parking Bicycle Racks Maximized Site Open Space Water Efficient Landscaping Used Over 50% Local Materials Low VOC Paints LEED RATING: LEED Certified PROJECT TEAM: City of Orlando Fire Department - Owner McCree Architects & Engineers, Inc. - Architect McCree General Contractors & Architects - Contractor AR Miller Engineering, Inc. – Civil Bobes Assoc. Consulting Engineers, Inc. - MEP LEED Professional – Steve Krone, AIA LEED Energy Consultant – Xnth Earth McCree General Contractors & Architects Commission on the Environment 2
OUC Reliable Plaza Orlando, Orange County, Florida Orlando Utilities Commission High Performance Characteristics Solar photovoltaic panels Solar hot water panels Reflective roofing High-efficiency glass 30,000-gallon water cistern Recycled/repurposed materials Bike racks, preferred hybrid parking to promote green transportation Conservation Education Center LEED RATING - Gold PROJECT TEAM: Tim Baker, AIA – Design Principal Ray Acosta, AIA – Principal / Studio Director Wayne Dunkelberger – Creative Director Sandra Tanaka – Project Manager Baker Barrios Architects, Inc. Commission on the Environment 3
VCC Allied Health & Sciences Building Orlando, Orange County, Florida Valencia Community College High Performance Characteristics Enhanced HVAC system High-efficiency insulation High-efficiency glass Dual flush toilets Construction waste management Recycled materials Local materials Major axis is positioned along the North and South for optimum shading LEED RATING - Gold PROJECT TEAM: Tim Baker, AIA – Design Principal Doug Leonard, AIA, LEED AP – Principal / Studio Director Wayne Dunkelberger – Creative Director Robert DiLena – Project Manager Baker Barrios Architects, Inc. Commission on the Environment 4
BHM Office Building Lake Mary, Seminole County, FL Burke Hogue Mills, Inc. High Performance Characteristics Automatic lighting controls reduce energy consumption High Efficiency Air Filters for occupant comfort/ health Reflective roofing and paving minimize Heat Island Effect Thermomass insulated tilt wall concrete system enhances energy efficiency 3M Prestige Window Film, Sun Shades and Light Shelves reduce solar heat gain/glare Rain water is harvested and collected in underground cistern for re-use in building Tex-cote “Cool Wall” wall covering reflects solar radiation Upper Window Glazing and Light Shelves direct daylight deeper into building Waterless urinals/Low Flow faucets reduce water consumption Under floor air distribution for comfort and energy efficiency Traction elevator minimizes energy consumption Reserved parking for low emitting vehicles Bike rack and shower encourages alternative transportation LEED RATING: Gold PROJECT TEAM: Burke Hogue Mills, Inc. (Architect) Bellomo-Herbert and Company (Landscape Architect) Advanced Structural Design (Structural Engineering) Klima Weeks Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering) KLG, LLC (MEP Engineering) SESCO Lighting (Lighting Consultant) LAMM & Company Partners (GC) GreenTime, LLC (“Green” Design Strategies) Burke Hogue Mills, Inc. Commission on the Environment 5
VCC / UCF Joint Use Building 11 VCC West Campus, Orlando, FL Valencia Community College / University of Central Florida High Performance Characteristics Daylight & Views Recycled Content 28% Energy Savings Water Use Reduction Regional Materials Construction Waste Management Indoor Air Quality Management Controllability of Lighting Systems On-Site Renewable Energy (PV Arrays) LEED RATING: NC Silver (Planned) PROJECT TEAM: Valencia Community College (Owner) Allan and Conrad (Structural) OCI Associates (MEP) Engineering & Environmental Design (Civil) Nancy Prine (Landscape Architecture) Green Building Services (LEED Consulting) Commission on the Environment 6
Orange County Fire Station 35 Orlando, Orange County, FL Orange County Government High Performance Characteristics Alternative Transportation Maximized Available Open Space on Site Stormwater Design – Quantity Control Minimized Heat Island Effect Light Pollution Reduction Water Use Reduction Optimized Energy Performance LEED RATING: Basic Certification PROJECT TEAM: Orange County Government (Owner) Skanska USA (Construction Manager) Advanced Structural Engineering (Structural) Bobes Associates (M,P/FP) Matern Professional Engineering (Electrical) WBQ Design & Engineering (Civil) MAI Landscape Architects (Landscape Architecture) Green Building Services (LEED Consulting) Commission on the Environment 7
City of Oviedo Public Works Facility Oviedo, Seminole County, FL City of Oviedo High Performance Characteristics It is anticipated that there will be a 30% reduction in energy usage due to the use of high performance glazing, day lighting controls and additional insulation. Additionally, it is expected that there will be an 80% reduction in water usage because of the use of waterless urinals, low flow lavatories, low flow toilets and a rainwater harvesting system that, when combined, should save more that 50,000 gallons of water in a year. PROJECT TEAM: Jonathan Douglas, AIA; John W. Page, AIA; Sunila Churi LEED RATING: The goal is to achieve a gold rating. VOA Associates Incorporated Commission on the Environment 8