Nov. 10th, 2007 @T2K Meeting INGRID T. Nakaya (Kyoto)
1. Recent Progress Much progress on the mechanical design led by O. Ferreira (and the Ecole polytechnique group). Almost securely funded by Japan Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research and by IN2P3 (Ecole polytechnique). We have ten proto-type scintillators from Russia in hand (one of two options). Tested with MPPC readout.
Scintillator modules Select the type of scintillator by the end of March 2007
Test of the scintillator by H. Kawamuko < setup > cosmic ray Trigger Prototype Scinti Trigger position 100cm 20cm 10cm 5 4 3 2 1 ・The distance between trigger spots is 20cm. Read out by PMT/MPPC ・We measure ~2000events at each position.
7 position position ◆average efficiency ⇒ 98% Efficiency @each position Light yields @each position Efficiency(%) Light yields (p.e) 10 99.5 95 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 position position ◆average efficiency ⇒ 98% ◆average light yields ⇒ 6.7p.e. ( 14.6 p.e by both ends sum ) expected value is 14 p.e
Readout by MPPC efficiency light yields Position 1 > 99.9% Raw data @position1 efficiency light yields Position 1 > 99.9% 24.5 p.e. Mean ADC : 237.2 (10cm away) Position 2 > 99.9% 20.3 p.e. (30cm away) Position 3 > 99.9% May need re-measurement. Miss measure… (50cm away) assemble
Schedule of the module production Installation
Issues. Software Man Power Simulation DAQ (not now, but in future) mainly lack of my man power and my time.