Unit 6 The Tomb of King Tut Deborah Soong
Teaching Activities Index
Teaching Activities 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 1. Warm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-4 3. Reading – Paragraphs 1-4 2nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 5-7 2. Reading – Paragraphs 5-7 3. Post-reading 3rd period 1. Word File 2. Sentence Patterns 3. Expansion 4. Writing Practice 4th period Part II Oral & Listening - Unit 5
Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 1-4
No. No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Warm-up Back Do the pictures remind you of Egypt? You are turned into stone by Sphinx. No. No. You are eaten by a crocodile. You are drowned in the Nile. Did Tutankhamen die young? Yes. No. Yes. Was King Tut an important king in the history of Egypt? You will never find the tomb of King Tut. Was Tutankhamen a king of Egypt? Yes. Was King Tut’s tomb full of treasures? No. You have been cursed by Tutankhamen. Yes. Yes. You have lost the game. Congratulations ! You have found the location of King Tut’s tomb. Back
Listen to paragraphs 1-4. Skip
Now, answer the following questions.
When was King Tut’s tomb discovered? On November 4, 1922 .
What is the weight of King Tut’s coffin? 2,448 pounds.
How many objects were found in King Tut’s tomb? 5,000.
The life of Howard Carter On November 4, 1922, archeologist Howard Carter dragged himself out of bed. Would it be another day of failure in the choking dust Egypt’s Valley of the Kings? The life of Howard Carter Would it be another day of failure...? → Would he again fail to find the tomb of King Tut on this day…? Valley of the Kings
The Life of Howard Carter Howard Carter was born in 1874 in London, England. His father, an artist , trained Howard in drawing and painting. Howard Carter developed an early interest in Egypt. When he was 17 years old, under the influence of Lady Amherst, a family acquaintance, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt. In 1890, it was under the direction of William Flinders Petrie that he grew as an archaeologist.
In 1922, Howard Carter broke through and made one of the 20th century’s most amazing discoveries—TUTANKHAMEN. After his discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb, Howard Carter retired from field work. He began collecting Egyptian from field work. He began collecting Egyptian antiquities. He returned to England in 1939, and died in that year at the age of 65. Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen has inspired almost a century of Hollywood movies.
Valley of the Kings The ancient Egyptians called it “The Place of Truth”. At the end of the valley stands the mountain of Thebes..It contains more then 60 royal tombs of the pharaohs of the 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasty . It is ironic that the only tomb to have survived with its treasure intact was that of the young King Tutankhamen. The discovery of this tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter changed the way we look at Ancient Egypt.
For 15 years, Carter had been searching for the tomb of King Tutankhamen, often called simply “King Tut.” If he didn’t find it soon, he might have to give up. King Tutankhamen
King Tutankhamen Tutankhamen’s mother seemed to have died giving birth to him. When Tutankhamen was only 9 years old, his father, the pharaoh Akhenaten, also died. Young, inexperienced Tutankhamen became the pharaoh of Egypt. He returned to Egypt’s traditional capital, Thebes ,and married his half-sister Ankhesenamen. It is believed that all of these were arranged by Egypt’s powerful vizier, Ay. At 18, Tutankhamen suddenly died.
King Tutankhamen Suspicion is raised as to the death of Tutankhamen. Tutankhamen’s marriage seemed to be a happy one. Paintings and objects in the Tutankhamen’s tomb show the affection between the young couple. Poor Ankhesenamen ended up marrying Ay, who became pharaoh of Egypt finally.
Luckily, this day would be different. The workers, who had begun digging earlier that morning, found something. It was a stone step about six feet long. Carter knew almost immediately that it was part of a sunken stair. ...it was part of a sunken stair. → ...the stone step was the first step in a stairway that ran down to the ground.
Did it lead to King Tut’s tomb? Carter took that day and the next to dig—carefully and slowly— down to the 12th step. There he found a doorway. The seals on the outer door, made 3,000 years earlier, proved that it was a royal tomb and that its contents were intact.
and his team arrived at the inner door. “Feverishly,” Carter later On November 26, Carter and his team arrived at the inner door. “Feverishly,” Carter later wrote, “we cleared away the remaining last scraps of rubbish on the floor of the passage before the doorway.” clear away = clear up; clean out 清理 此處的rubbish不是指一般的垃圾,而是指一些碎石(stone and rubble),和盆子或瓶子的碎片(broken pots and vases),而這些碎屑可能是古代盜墓者所遺留下來的。
They then saw the royal seal of Tutankhamen pressed into the plaster. seal: impression;an official mark left by pressing something into a soft surface the royal seal of Tutankhamen pressed into the plaster → the royal seal impressions of Tutankhamen pressed into the plaster on the second doorway
Fighting to control his excitement, Carter used a knife to make a small hole in the top of the door. He took a lighted candle and peered inside.
“At first I could see nothing, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues and gold—everywhere the glint of gold.” grow/be/get/become accustomed to + N/V-ing 習慣於… I am accustomed to jogging before breakfast. Next the light : the flicker of candlelight
“At first I could see nothing, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues and gold—everywhere the glint of gold.” 原句= → At first I could hardly see anything, but soon, as my eyes became accustomed to the flicker of candlelight, the interior of the room gradually loomed before me/ gradually I could see the interior of the room more clearly....
Carter stood in awed silence. → Carter respected what he had seen so greatly that he stood speechlessly.
“For the moment—an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by—I was struck dumb with amazement.” must + have V-en 表示「對過去的肯定推測」 must + V 表示對「現在及未來的肯定推測」 He did not show up today. He must have been busy. The cake smells good. It must be delicious. Next
“For the moment—an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by—I was struck dumb with amazement.” For the moment an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by.... → It must have seemed the moment of eternity to the others who were standing by... be struck dumb 嚇得目瞪口呆 We were struck dumb at the unexpected outcome of the basketball game. Next
“For the moment—an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by—I was struck dumb with amazement.” with amazement = in amazement 驚訝地 We looked at the great painting with/in amazement. to one’s amazement 令人驚訝地 To my amazement, I got an A on the math test. I was struck dumb with amazement. → I was so surprised that I became speechless.
Howard Carter had dug out the greatest treasure ever found in Egypt. The four rooms held more than 5,000 objects. It took Carter two months to reach the highlight of his discovery—the burial room. It took Carter two months to reach the highlight of his discovery the burial room. → Carter took/spent two months to reach/reaching the best part of his discovery the burial room.
There he found a gold coffin weighing 2,448 pounds. → In the burial chamber, Carter found a gold coffin which weighed about 1,101 kilograms.
most famous item in the tomb— the extraordinary golden mask He also found what is now the most famous item in the tomb— the extraordinary golden mask which covered King Tut’s mummified head. The golden coffin, the mummified head and the golden mask are to preserve the physical form as well as individual identity of a pharaoh. Back