Braden Scale Mobility Subsection For subsection scores 1 or 2 always apply the high risk interventions! Mobility 4 NO LIMITATION 3 SLIGHTLY LIMITED 2 VERY LIMITED 1 COMPLETELY IMMOBILE Identify The Patients Ability To Change And Control Body Positions! Makes major and frequent changes in position Does not need assistance to change position in bed or while in chair Makes frequent though slight changes in position Minimal or no assistance needed with positioning Makes occasional or slight body and/or extremity position Needs assistance with repositioning minimum x1 assist Does not make even slight changes in body or extremity position Total care- minimum x2 assist High Risk Interventions High Risk Low Risk Assist to chair position for all meals; at least twice daily Apply appropriate pressure relief surfaces Turn every 2 hours with 30 degree tilt Do not use donuts or rings Shift weight every 15 minutes while up in chair