Using Inquiry to Discover the World
Examine the images on the following What do you observe is happening in the images? What do you infer is happening in the images? How do the two differ? Create a list of 3-5 questions based on your curiosities arising from the photographs. After everyone has a list of preliminary questions, find a group of three to collaborate with. Choose three of these initial questions and “perfect” them by ensuring that they are deep inquiry questions. Guiding questions for this process are given below: Is the question and invitation to think (not recall, summarize, or detail)? Does the question require support and justification, not just an answer? Is the question open-ended, i.e., there is no final, correct answer? Does your question arise from genuine curiosity and confusion about the world? Does you question make you think about something in a way you never considered before? Does the question invite both deep thinking and deep feelings? Does it ask you to think ethically (what is right vs. wrong)? Does it lead to more questions? List your final three questions on the board.
From the questions developed by the class select one to investigate and try to answer. Your will do this use the information packs provided by your teacher.
Ask? Acquire Explore Analyse Act What question came to mind when you examined the image? (write your chosen question here) Acquire Obtain the resource pack from your teacher and list the articles found here. Explore Explore the given resources and summarize the information h ere. Analyse How does this information answer your original question? What new questions arise from your investigations? Act Summarize your discoveries and prepare to present them to the class.
Hmmm… What questions came to mind while looking at the images? What questions are deep inquiry questions? Work in a group of 3 to assess and examine your questions. Write your final three questions on the side board.