coverage on Hi, Im Sania Mirza. This year apart from playing at the Wimbledon, you will see me partnering with to report on the events, the matches, the players etc. So, wouldnt you want to know why I am writing on Sify? Take a look at their coverage last year and youll know why I am associating myself with a winner.
Like I said winner. And winners start early. In Sifys case, right on the home page. Even their SIGN IN gave prominence to the client sponsoring the event ONLINE..
And then came the big offering!! A full fledged customized special Wimbledon page packaged in the colors of the brand that sponsored event online. Every single offering bore the clients mark. They stood out. Attracting traction like no other.
Little wonder that when the time came to pick the winner, there was only ONE!! Winner of GOLD in Best Use of Internet and New Media category ABBY awards, Goa Fest, RE-RUN HSBC - Wimbledon in the box
So, will we bag gold at the ABBY awards, 2009? Thats the endeavour. And thats where I come in.
The GLAMOUR TRAIL with Sania Mirza… straight from Centre Court Our reportage will be first hand. Apart from covering my matches, we will also reflect on what makes Wimbledon special…the sights, sounds, the smells etc. And each of these sections will be packaged exclusively for the clients. After all, who would want miss a report from Centre Court itself.
FOR MORE……. CONTACT US National Head - Sales: Premlesh Machama Account Manager – North: Devinder Sharma Account Manager – West: Amit Rathi +91 – Regional Manager - South: Shivam Narain