Hello! we are M. Assunta Lucia and Daniela
1 My name is Maria Assunta 2 My surname is Giangiacomi 3 My nickname is Mary 4 My email address is XXXXX@XXX.it
1 My name is Lucia 2 My surname is Attianese 3 My nickname is Lucy 4 My email address is XXXXX@XXX.it
1 My name is Daniela 2 My surname is Attianese 3 My nickname is Dany 4 My email address is XXXXXX@XXXXX.it
Mary 5 My telephone number is XXXXXXX 6 I’m eleven years old 7 My birthday is in March 8 I am from Italy
Lucy 5 My telephone number is XXXXXXXX 6 I’m eleven years old 7 My birthday is in October 8 I’m from Italy
Dany 5 My telephone number is XXXXXXXXX 6 I’m ten years old 7 My birthday is in September 8 I’m from Italy
Mary 9 I speak Italian, English and French 10 I live in Pagani 11 I live in a flat 12 In my family there are four people: my mum, my dad, my sister and me
Lucy 9 I speak Italian, English and French 10 I live in Pagani 11 I live in a flat 12 In my family there are four people: my mum, my dad, my brother and me
Dany 9 I speak Italian, English and French 10 I live in Pagani 11 I live in a flat 12 In my family there are four people: my mum, my dad, my sister and me
Mary 13 I haven’t got a pet 14 My favourite animal is dog 15 I like ice cream
Lucy 13 I haven’t got a pet 14 My favourite animal is dog 15 I like chupa chups
Dany 13 I have got a dog 14 My favourite animal is dog 15 I like muffin
Mary 16 I can skate 17 In my free time I listen to music 18 In my free time I go to the cinema
Lucy 16 I can dance 17 In my free time I go shopping 18 In my free time I listen to music
Dany 16 I can dance 17 In my free time I watch TV 18 In my free time I listen to music
Mary Lucy Dany 19 I get up 20 I have breakfast 21 I brush my teeth 22 I wash my face 23 I get dressed 24 I comb my hair 25 I go to school
Mary Lucy Dany 26 I go home 27 I have lunch 28 I do homework 29 I have a snack 30 I watch tv 31 I have dinner 32 I go to bed
Mary 33 I am tall 34 I am thin 35 I have got a round face 36 I have got long and blonde hair
Lucy 33 I am tall 34 I am thin 36 I have got long and blonde hair 36 I have got a small face
Dany 33 I am short 34 I am thin 36 I have got long and blonde hair 36 I have got a small face
Mary Lucy Dany 37 I eat salad for dinner 38 I eat apple for snack 39 I eat spaghetti for lunch
Mary Lucy Dany 40 In my house there are five rooms 41 In my bedroom there is: a computer a wii a tv and some posters.
Mary Lucy Dany I have a dream…Let freedom ring… Io ho un sogno…Lasciate risuonare la libertà Martin Luther king
By Maria Assunta Lucia Daniela
bye bye