Electoral College Caucus
Purpose LWV-IL Electoral College Committee was established in 2017 to advocate for a constitutional amendment to replace the electoral college system with a direct vote for President and Vice President. After overwhelming support at the 2017 LWV-IL Convention LWV-US position since 1970 Reaffirmed via resolution at 2018 LWV-US Convention “The 2018 Convention of the League of Women Voters of the United States urgently reaffirms its long-held position that the Electoral College should be abolished.”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Clarification An amendment to the U.S. Constitution is very different from the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. U.S. Constitutional Amendment National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Process is in the Constitution Created by a computer science professor. Clearly supported by the League Acknowledged as temporary alternative until abolition achieved. Permanently abolishes electoral college. Does not abolish electoral college. Would have widespread acceptance. Compact states have all the power with half the electoral votes. Firmly based on U.S. Constitution. Loosely relies on sentence in U.S. Constitution. Permanent, law of the land. Members can withdraw in future elections and compact is undone. Enforced by federal government. Enforcement unclear. Every vote counts. Voters in Compact states have no choice. Once passed, election process is clear. If implemented, court challenges inevitable - disruptive and divisive.
Electoral College is Bad for Democracy Reasons Abolishing the electoral college is a natural part of the "The Campaign for Making Democracy Work®" for everyone. Electoral College is Bad for Democracy Direct Election will… Creates a disincentive to vote Decreases voter turnout Polarizes our nation Counts some votes more heavily than others Makes us more vulnerable to election fraud and hacking Decreases our access to candidates Allows the loser of the national popular vote to win the presidency Increase voter turnout and participation Bring us together as a nation Count every vote equally, no matter where we live Increase our election security by making it harder to influence the outcome Increase our access to candidates and widen the geographic scope of their campaign visits Ensure that the will of the people is heard and that the candidate most favored by voters wins the election
Benefits Working to abolish the Electoral College will benefit the LWV and help achieve our Transformational Objectives. Engage new individuals Increase external perception of “One League” Generate excitement about the LWV Provide much-needed leadership on a problem that many believe our country is ready to solve
Two-pronged strategy to accomplish our objectives Educate Advocate Created PowerPoint presentation with script and handouts Offered materials to all local Leagues Over 50 presentations given Over 2,000 people reached In 11 states… and counting Support individuals who want to advocate as constituents with their Congress members Postcards and scripts Presentation packet for meetings with legislators Experts available to attend meetings
What Can You Do? Vote at Convention Bring it home Approve abolishing the electoral college as an LWV-IL recommended action focus Vote for the “Will of Convention” to ask LWV-US to support making the abolition of the electoral college by constitutional amendment an action focus at the 2020 LWV-US convention Bring it home Educate the public using our materials (or invite us to present) Advocate: provide local constituents with support for postcard parties and/or meetings with members of Congress Communicate to LWV-US via program planning in January that abolishing the electoral college via constitutional amendment should be an action focus
Contact Us Brought to you by: abolishelectoral@gmail.com lwvwilmette.org/electoral-college-reform.html facebook.com/abolishelectoralcollegelwv Brought to you by: