Overnight Cross Country Reservations (Policy Reminder) Boeing Employees’ Flying Club Send Safety Officer (Chris Heyrman) itinerary including Aircraft you want to take, dates of trip, route of flight and any stops, estimated flight time during the trip, destination airport with FBO phone number, your contact information In the event Chris is unavailable, another board member can be contacted. Please CC Chris when contacting another board member. After receiving approval, you may reserve the aircraft in Flight Circle (FC) Failure to obtain approval will result in the cancelation of your reservation Remember to select the long x/c reservation type in FC If your trip is canceled, remove your reservation in FC. If canceled within a week of the trip, a courtesy e-mail to inform other members the plane is available is appreciated. Filing a flight plan is recommended. Don’t forget to close it when you land. Using 1800wxbreif.com allows you to file, open and close VFR plans online See section 8.4 of the club operations manual for full text of the rules
Cross Country Checklist Boeing Employees’ Flying Club When Making Reservation (up to 6 months from departure date) Send Safety Officer information required for a cross country reservation Reserve aircraft in Flight Circle Make alternate plans in case you can’t fly. If you really have to be there, don’t count of flying. Week Before Trip Check long range forecast File flight plan (I suggest 1800wxbrief.com since they send open/close reminders) Check open squawks and time remaining before required maintenance or inspections Check your currency (night and passenger), BFR, medical expiration date Send any updates to flight plan to safety officer Day Before Trip Check Weather Day of Trip Check for any new squawks or aircraft grounds before leaving home IMSAFE and PAVE checklists Remember the tie-downs (if needed), cowl plugs, chocks, etc Open (and set a reminder to close) flight plan