Robert G. Aitken Robert Grant Aitken was born December 13, 1864, in Jackson, California. When Robert was a child he multiple bouts with middle ear infections and became deaf.
Robert G. Aitken He was sick so much that he did not start school until he was nine years old. Mr. Aitken wore a hearing aid in one ear and read peoples' lips. Everyone at his school could hear so he did not sign.
Robert G. Aitken After he finished school he became a teacher at Livermore College. Then he became a math teacher at the College of the Pacific. As a teacher, he started to study astronomy.
Robert G. Aitken After Mr. Aitken started learning about astronomy, he became the Assistant Astronomer. In 1930, he became the director of the Lick Observatory.
Robert G. Aitken As an astronomer Mr. Aitken discovered 3,030 binary stars. When Mr. Aitken was 87 he fell seriously hurting himself. He died on October 29, 1951.
Robert G. Aitken Awards he won: Bruce Medal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Lalande prize of the Academy of Sciences of France American Astronomical Society Gold Medal Creative Communication