Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee All thru the night;


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Presentation transcript:

Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee All thru the night; All Through The Night Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee All thru the night; Guardian angels God will lend thee Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, Hill and Vale in slumber steeping; Love alone His watch is keeping All thru the night. 1-2 Words: Welsh Folk Song, tr. / Music: Old Welsh Air

Hark! a solemn bell is ringing, Clear thru the night; All Through The Night Hark! a solemn bell is ringing, Clear thru the night; Thou, my love, art heav’n-ward winging, Home thru the night; Earthly dust from off thee shaken, Soul immortal, thou shalt waken With thy last dim journey taken, Home thru the night. 2-2