LA and Lit: Monday, November 19, 2018 Handouts: * Reading Chart for Nov. 10 – 25 Homework: * Today’s LA handout is a two-day in-class assignment Due tomorrow, at the end of LA Assignments due: * Reading Chart for Nov. 12 – 18
Lesson Goal: Learn to analyze informational writing by examining an excerpt from Exploring the Titanic. Outcomes: Be able to . . . Identify cause-and-effect factors in the sinking of the Titanic. Infer the reason(s) why people were unprepared for the disaster involving the Titanic. Compare and contrast the passengers’ experiences on each deck of the ship. Evaluate who or what was chiefly responsible for the sinking of the Titanic. Demonstrate your ability to work as a productive team member.
Starter #1: How many of you have heard of “The Titanic”? What do you know about it? What was your source of information for what you just shared? The account we are about to read was written by Robert Ballard, a man who was fascinated with the ocean ever since he was your age. As a teenager he started taking scuba diving lessons. When he grew up, he became a marine geologist. (“Marine” here does not mean a military person. It means something related to the seas.) On September 1, 1985, Ballard fulfilled a dream come true: He found the sunken ocean liner known as “The Titanic.”
Starter #2: Let’s turn to an excerpt from Ballard’s book, Exploring the Titanic. Take out your Lit book from your desk and turn to p.378. We’ll do the “Prepare to Read” and the “Vocab Development.” Then we’ll have YOU read it aloud. In a few moments, I will indicate the order for reading: Each person called will read one paragraph. Follow along closely so we can read this seamlessly.
Starter #3: At this time, you may work in groups of two, three, or four on one condition—no one should be left out. As we break up into groups, we’ll use the bean bag chairs. We now have enough chairs for half the class. If the boys use the bean bag chairs today, the girls get them tomorrow. Or if the girls get them today, the boys get them tomorrow. What is your preference? If I see any student left by himself or herself, we will go back to your regular seating and work on this assignment independently. Please read the last question, #6, before you start working on this handout. Note that you have questions on the first page and a graphic organizer on the back page. You will begin your response sheet today and finish it tomorrow.