First Aid Lessons 1-3.


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Presentation transcript:

First Aid Lessons 1-3

Lesson 1: Intro First Aid is the immediate care given to an injured or ill individual to keep him or her alive or stop further damage until further qualified medical treatment can be administered.

Good Samaritan Law The good samaritan law in designed to protect the rescuer and encourage people to assist others in distress by granting them immunity against lawsuits.

First Aid Kit A well stocked 1st aid kit contains the following. Bandages band aids tape aspirin (or substitutes) antiseptic cream or cleanser saftey pins safety pins scissors tweezers cotton tissues

Protection From Body Fluids Your first aid kit may also include rubber gloves, face shields, and CPR masks to protect you from infectious diseases.

Evaluating The Victim when encountering an injured person, you must first evaluate the victim to determine what kind of first aid they will need. There is a series of steps you can take to determine the most serious health risks first, and then correct the less threatening problems at a later time.

Assessments First, you must check for breathing and a heartbeat. If the patient does not show signs of either then you need to start CPR. ABCs stands for airway, breathing, and circulation.

CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a life saving technique used when the patient has stopped breathing or when their heart has stopped beating.

Severe Bleeding Secondly, check for severe bleeding. If severe bleeding occurs, lie the victim down, elevate the legs, and put something over the victim to keep them warm. you must remove all dirt and debris from the wound. Next place a sterile bandage over the wound and apply pressure with the palm of your hand. unless there is an embedded object. and do not reposition or place pressure on displaced organs. do not remove bandages, even if blood seeps through. If this happens add another bandage.

Tourniquet A device use to cut off blood flow to certain areas of the body by tightly blocking veins and preventing blood to pass through.

Shock Next check for shock. Shock may result from trauma, stroke, blood loss, allergic reactions , infection, poisoning or severe burns. Signs of shock are cool clammy skin, weak and rapid pulse, nausea, eyes lackluster or seem to stare. The victim may also be conscious or unconscious.

Shock what to do Make sure the person is lying down. Loosen any tight clothing or belts and cover them up with a blanket to keep them warm. Turn them on their side so they have somewhere to throw up at incase they need to vomit. Be prepared to do CPR if necessary.

Broken Bones or Fractures

Broken Bones First you are going to need to see if the victim can move. If you think they have a neck or back injury, then do not move them. The best thing to do is to keep them there and put something on the sides of their head, so they won't move their neck. If the victim has broken bones or a fracture somewhere other than the neck or back, you need to make sure they don't move the limb. Moving it could make it worse as well as add the possibilities of long term injuries. Put a splint on it and adding padding if possible. After the limb is properly splinted, apply ice to the area. Make sure to wrap the ice in cloth or a towel.