Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Project RTD Board of Directors Financial Administration and Audit Committee July 7, 2015
ECM Project Overview What is ECM? Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization's documents, and other content, that relate to the organization's processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods, and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content.
ECM Project Background ECM Assessment Engaged Ciber to conduct assessment of ECM at RTD Identify RTD needs for ECM Establish path forward for RTD Assessment completed in late 2014
ECM Project Background ECM Assessment Results Identified top four organizational needs for ECM at RTD Integrated ECM platforms Organization wide uniform taxonomy Data classification and naming conventions Easy and robust search Single source of “truth” Recommended ECM path forward Governance structure Implementation plan
ECM Project Background ECM Project Benefits Reduced long-term costs of data management Reduced duplication of stored information Reduced duplication of effort to create information Reduced IT support requirements Improved ability to respond to constituent requests Improved ability to comply with legal and regulatory mandates CORA information requests Records required by PUC, FTA, FRA, SEC, and others Access restrictions for privacy and security concerns Records retention Improved strategic usage and value of RTD information for decision making
ECM Project Background Financial Considerations Gartner estimates ECM can reduce overall document-related costs by 40% searching for nonexistent information failing to find existing information recreating information that can't be found AIIM found that companies spend $20 in labor to file a document $120 in labor to find a misfiled document $220 in labor to reproduce a lost document These are hidden costs Reduce productivity and effectiveness of existing staff
ECM Project Scope Establish governance structure Conduct detailed inventory of current documents, policies and procedures, and taxonomy Define desired future state of ECM at RTD
ECM Project Scope Develop alternatives for ECM path forward Evaluate alternatives for technical path forward Develop budget and schedule for each alternative Present recommendation for path forward Procure required elements of selected alternative RFP process with Board approval of resulting contracts Board approval of funding in the Strategic Budget Plan Appropriations in annual budget Implement selected alternative
ECM Project Scope Owners Representative Guide and support ECM implementation Expertise in ECM systems and implementation Policies and procedures Taxonomy and metadata structure Functional and technical requirements and capabilities Assistance with systems procurement Change management Oversight of implementation Contract monitoring Independent verification and validation
ECM Project Cost $0.8M included in the 2015 Amended Budget Additional request of $12.9M in the 2016-2021 SBP Funding estimate based on a purchased solution hosted and maintained at RTD $10.3M through 2018 for initial implementation $2.6M from 2019-2021 for ongoing maintenance Total cost and timing of expenditures would change if a different alternative were selected
ECM Project Schedule Selection of owners representative September 2015 Milestone Completion Selection of owners representative September 2015 Current state inventories February 2016 Selection of path forward July 2016 Procurement December 2016 Full implementation December 2018