Read with your child each night! Mrs. Lindsey’s Weekly Blast April 29th, 2019 Don’t Forget! Read with your child each night! Keep a running list of flash cards for our Word Wall Words: The Kindergarten Sight Words are listed on my website We Are Learning About… Reading: We will focus on long u (u__e spelling pattern, ex: tube) and sight words good and who. We will make, confirm and revise predictions to help us understand stories better. We will utilize all reading strategies together to help us solve tricky words. Reading Essential Question: What can happen when we work together? Writing: We will explore pronouns (I, We, they) as well as using dialogue in stories! Math: We will finish GoMath Ch. 11: Nonstandard Units of Measurement! Science: We will finish Unit 3: Plants! Social Studies: We will continue to focus on landforms. We will continue to focus on the character trait Obedience as we prepare for first grade! Important Dates May 1st: GoMath Ch. 11 Quiz May 2nd: GoMath Ch. 11 Test May 3rd: Toucan Sight Words Assessment; Unit 3 Science Test: Plants May 29th: Water Day; Early Release 12:20 May 30th: Fun Fitness Day; Early Release May 31st: Last Day; Early Release