Basic concepts curriculum Curriculum development Curriculum analysis Curriculum evaluation Elements of curriculum Educational objectives content
Cognitive domain Affective domain Psychomotor domain Data Facts Generalizations Values
Attitudes Teaching methods Activity Thinking skills Knowledge Understanding application
Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Receiving Responding Valuing Organization
Characterization by value Perception Set Guided response Mechanism Complex overt response adaptation
Origination Learning experiences Continuity Sequence Integration Validity comprehensive
Variety Abstract Activity curriculum Core curriculum Activity program Skills Test Concept learning
Convergent thinking Divergent thinking Team teaching Peer evaluation Effective teaching Environmental education Social education
Moral education Special education International education Population education Political education Teaching skills Basic skills
Curriculum enrichment Advanced organizer Spiral curriculum Null curriculum Class climate Curriculum dramatization Learning difficulties
Educational environment External environment Structuring content Classroom environment Observation card Teaching units Curriculum model
. Curriculum theory Educational theory Achieved curriculum Written curriculum Tested curriculum Taught curriculum
Criteria Transferred knowledge Mental knowledge Realization knowledge Experimental knowledge God knowledge Mastery learning Lecture Educational competency
Open ended story Classroom control Human rights Self evaluation Student evaluation Verbal interaction Discovery method
Microteaching Verbal analysis Non verbal analysis Curriculum experimentation Interaction analysis In service program Pre service program
Inductive Deductive Value clarification Value analysis Concept attainment Concept development Standards
The philosophical trends in curriculum -traditional Experimental Structure of the discipline Behavioral Constructivist
Documents of curriculum planning 1- philosophy statement Major goals for school level General scope and sequence matrix Subject scope and sequence matrix Framework for curriculum guide Curriculum guide Preparing education material
elements of curriculum planning 1-objectives 2- the justification 3-content 4-chacteristics of target audience 5-activities 6-materials 7-sequences 8-schedule
9-teacher training and attitudes 10-evaluation 11-administrative structure 12-school facilities 13-finanacial constraints Other parts of curriculum
Five concurrent curriculum 1-Official curriculum 2-Operational curriculum 3-Hidden curriculum 4-Null curriculum 5-Extra curriculum
Five commonplaces curriculum 1-Learner and learning 2-Teacher and teaching 3-Subject matter 4-Milieu 5-Curriculum specialist
Steps of curriculum analysis 1-Curriculum documentation and origins 2-Curriculum prober 3-Curriculum in use 4-Curriculum critique
Organization research -title page -Table of contents -list of figures -list of tables 1-prpblem to be investigated A- purpose of the study including assumption
B-justification of the study C- research question and hypotheses D- definition of terms E- brief overview of study
Background and review of the related literature A- theoretical framework B-studies directly related C-studies tangentially related
Procedures A-Description of research design B-Description of the sample C-description of instruments D- explanation of procedures E- discussion of internal validity F- discussion of external validity
G-description and justification of the data analysis
Finding A- description of finding to the research question and hypotheses Summary and conclusion A- brief summary of the research question B-discussion of the implication of the finding meaning and significance
C- limitation unresolved problems D-suggestions for further studies
Recent trends in curriculum and instruction -Water education -Population education -Political education -Law related education -Economic education -Religion -Democratic education -Human rights education
-Life skills -Sustainable education -Integration -Energy education -Death education -Nuclear education -Future education -Traffic education
-Social education -Health education -Environmental education -International education -Value education -Teaching methods -Family education -Life long education
-Controversial issues -Citizenship education -Digital citizenship education -Science and technology and society -Active learning -Multi intelligences -Preventive education
-Electronic education -Technical literacy -International education -Immigrant education -The return of geography -Middle grade education -Aging education
Approaches to develop future curriculum -Delphi technique -Cross impact analysis -Alternative futures projection -Visioning approach -Scenario planning -Word mapping -Linear or classic projection
-Bibliographic analysis -Environmental scanning -Trend extrapolations -Future scanning and analysis method -Historical analogy -Technological forecasting -Technological impact assessment -
-Future wheels -Science fiction -Intuition and intuitive forecasting -Relevance three -CERT/CPM analysis -Short ,medium and long range-planning