Attacking the AP Prompt Materials Needed Orange bookmark Highlighters (3 colors) Blank paper Sample prompt (every student gets one to write on) Range finders
The Approach Read the prompt and poems. What is being asked? How do you know? annotate Read the opening paragraph for each range finder Discuss among your group whether they are low, medium, or high. Don’t worry about a particular score just yet What are the strengths/weaknesses of the answers? (first paragraph) Highlight the levels of associative voice (on one copy only) Pink (Level 2—associative word) Blue (Level 1—textual evidence/example/reference) Yellow (Level 3—text relationships) Juxtaposition, repetition, contrast, etc) USE YOUR BOOKMARK!
The Product Each group will submit, in writing Scores with justification. One set of range finders highlighted and annotated per group All notes taken by individual group members—prompt page AND your sheet of paper (these will be returned to you at the next class meeting) Be prepared to discuss your findings with the class. Questions?
Turn in your essays! Staple the receipt for to the BACK of your essay. Make a stack on the table near the door of the classroom. I will be leaving campus at 3:30—be prepared to have turned in your essay to me if you do not have it now. Remember, the window closes on at 4pm. Your paper is counted late at the at point EVEN if I have the hard copy. If you have not completed the plagiarism film/contract, please do so today. I will not grade your paper until I have a signed contract. Please allow me 10 days or so to grade these essays. I will post grades when I have finished all ON TIME essays. Late essays will be graded at my convenience.