Constellations in the sky
Stars are very big
Stars are far away
Stars are very bright, because they produce light
Objects outside the Earth
The constellations do not exist in 3d
Orion's important objects
Betelgeuse إبط الجوزاء Ibṭ al-Jauzā’, meaning "the underarm of Orion", or يد الجوزاء Yad al-Jauzā’, meaning "the hand of Orion"
A very big red supergiant
Why is Betelgeuse (600 ly) so big
The Orion nebula
The birth of stars (1300 ly)
Rigel, a massive star (860 ly) Rigel, a massive star (860 ly). Rijl Jauzah al Yusrā, "the left leg (foot) of Jauzah"
Canis major and Sirius
The brightest star in the sky
Sirius, the big neighbor Just 8 light years close, Sirius has 2 times the mass of the Sun and is 25 times more luminous. The surface temperature of Sirius is 10.000 K
Taurus, the bull
Interesting objects in Taurus
Pleiades, a young stars cluster, 440 light years away and 100000 years old
Aldebaran (65 ly) another red giant, the Follower (الدبران)because he seems to follow the Pleiades.
M1, the crab nebula
The remnant if a big explosion The remnant if a big explosion. We saw it happen 400 years ago (6500 ly)
Supernova are very bright
Betelgeuse supernova will look like a second sun